I'm setting up an R5 server on a W2K server. I'm planning on using this as an upgrade/replacement for a 4.6 server running on NT 4.0 [separate physical machines].We are a small office and have only 1 Notes server for 30 users.
I created a Notes directory on the W2K machine & copied over...
in our office we have 1 Notes 4.6.6 server on NT 4.0
For the last couple of days whenever I try to do anything on the server using the Notes client I receive a pop-up window asking me to "Choose file to be used as Current ID". I select the server.id [in Notes\data] and then it...
I work in a small office and we have 1 Notes 4.6.6 server running on NT 4.0 on an HP Netserver [Pentium 200Mhz]
Here's what I want to do:
upgrade to R5
replace the HP server with a newer server running W2K
Also I want to leave the existing 4.6/NT untouched just in case something goes badly...
I'm having a problem and am not sure if it's an smtp problem, a DNS problem or a Notes/Domino configuration problem.
I work in a small office [30 users] and our network is a subnet off the largest tenant in the building - they run the router, internet access etc. Their domain name is...
I'm in a small office where we run 1 Notes 4.6.6 server on an NT 4.0 machine. A while back we had someone trying to set up the Domino fax product & in trying to do this they installed R5 on a second machine.
To cut a long story short we no longer have the R5 machine just the 4.6.6, but the...
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