Hi all
I have a program that accesses a access db. I have gotten the program to insert records into the db, but I cant get the records to display in the dialog? Are record sets limited to the amount of fields they can read from the db, or is there perhaps something in my code that is causing...
Would it be like so:
class CBSSApp : public CWinApp
CRecordset* m_pRS;
CDatabase* m_pDB;
Forgive me if I sound a bit dumb! Like I said, Im not to clued up on VC++.
Would the main app object be in the CBSSApp::InitInstance ?
Currently this is how I am connecting to the db:
void CBSSDlg::OnLogonBtn()
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
CDatabase* m_pDB = new CDatabase();
CRecordset* m_pRS = new CRecordset(m_pDB);
Hi all
I am a reasonable newbie to VC++ 6.0.
I am busy with a program that accesses a db, how do I access the db in different dialogs eg: User login Dialog has db access, and the create account has db access.
How do I access the same db for two different dialogs, but in 1 program.
Any help...
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