Is it possible to have multiple timers going at the same time.
To my knowledge you can only use startTimer on one thing at any one time, what if you need to do 2 things simultanously which both need independant timers????
I need to do this, can anyone help me??
I have a linear animation using director and I want to have a pause button and a continue button so the user can stop the play head and start the play head, its sounds simple, but I can't make it work, can anyone help me???? PLEASE!!!
I wrote this message and have since found the answer. Here it is if anyone else clicks on this thread.
on a frame script with the sound in channel 2:
on exitFrame
if soundBusy(2) then go to the frame
I have a sound clip where I need the whole clip to play. Is there any way of keeping the playhead at a particular place until the clip has stopped playing? When it has stopped playing for the playhead to then continue moving?
Is it possible to create alt tags in director, you know the ones where you mouse over an icon or picture and a little label appears saying what the picture or button actually is.
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