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Search results for query: *

  1. eNerGiZer0101

    Cannot delete file using ASP form

    The user who is doing this delete is Administrator and this user had full control over the file and folder.
  2. eNerGiZer0101

    Cannot delete file using ASP form

    The line that is causing the page the keep loading without a response is : fs.DeleteFile(FName) This line is found in the deleteFiles.asp page.
  3. eNerGiZer0101

    Cannot delete file using ASP form

    After looking through my toDelete.asp form I noticed there was an onCLick event so by deleting it the page loads without the error message. The problem now is that after selecting the file to delete the page keeps loading. I let it load for 10 minutes and still does not finish the load. For...
  4. eNerGiZer0101

    Cannot delete file using ASP form

    I looked at the permissions in IIS and put then to read and write. Also the user that is doing the deletion is a Administrator and this user has full control. I have no clue what the solution is but I'm pretty sure it's not a permission issue. One thing that I don't understand is that usually...
  5. eNerGiZer0101

    Cannot delete file using ASP form

    Dear reader, I am faced with a problem when deleting a file from a file from the hard drive of my web server. I will post the forms that I have programmed: The first form's is name toDelete_files.asp <html> <body> <h2 align=center>Delete Files</h2> <% Dim Conn, Rs, sql set Conn =...
  6. eNerGiZer0101

    unlcosed quote near

    Hi, Error message : unclosed quote near for the line Rs.Open sql, Conn Here is my asp page: <% Dim ID ID = Request.Form("ID") if ID="" then Response.Write "You did not select a name to delete!" Else Dim Conn Dim Rs Dim sql Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set Rs =...
  7. eNerGiZer0101

    Uploading a file in a MySQL database

    Hello, The following is my asp page. There are no errors in it. The only thing is that it does not upload the file from my html form. I think that the problem is from add file in current DB field. In my files table there are there fields: file_number, description and file. The fields...
  8. eNerGiZer0101

    Frontpage hyperlinks

    Good day to all, I'm making a web page and i am using a lot of hyperlinks. C Problem: I can only put a maximum of 255 characters as a hyperlink = I cannot link to the page I want because of its lenght in characters. Could someone please give me some advice or a tip so that i could attach my...
  9. eNerGiZer0101

    Vb Script

    what would i write exactly
  10. eNerGiZer0101

    Vb Script

    Set oConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") oConn.Open "DSN=SQL" Set oRS = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") oRS.CursorType = 1 'AdOpenKeyset... Gave the good Record Count what do you mean SQL txt populated?
  11. eNerGiZer0101

    Vb Script

    G'Day to all, When I try to run my script I get the following message: Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range or are in conflict with one another. The error message is for the following line: oRS.Open SqlTxt , Conn Cheers to all. Will
  12. eNerGiZer0101

    G'Day to all

    Sorry about that it's the database servername.
  13. eNerGiZer0101

    G'Day to all

    It is instantiated with ADODB. Set oConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") oConn.Open "DSN=ServerName" Set oRS = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") oRS.CursorType = 1 'AdOpenKeyset... Gave the good Record Count Can someone please help me out. is this good
  14. eNerGiZer0101

    G'Day to all

    I'm getting a message error for my script. can someone please help me out. the error is for the following line: ODBC Driver does not support the requested driver. Sqltxt = ("SELECT MasterServer, Max(JobId) AS MaxJobId FROM Jobs GROUP BY MasterServer ORDER BY MasterServer") It is for the...
  15. eNerGiZer0101

    script error

    It's for : oRS.Open SqlTxt , oConn
  16. eNerGiZer0101

    script error

    G'day, I'm getting the following message: "ODBC driver does not support the requested properties" The error is for the following sub: Sub GetLastJobId Sqltxt = "SELECT MasterServer, Max(JobId) AS MaxJobId FROM Jobs GROUP BY MasterServer ORDER BY MasterServer;" ' Wscript.Echo sqltxt...
  17. eNerGiZer0101

    Booting off NT

    Hi I'm running windows XP Home and i was woundering if i can Boot off of Windows NT Server. Cheers!
  18. eNerGiZer0101

    Being hacked.

    G'Day to all, I have several image names in my task manager and i would like to know how to delete them. I tried running tasklist/SVC in DOS but it won't recognize the command because I have windows XP Home. Can someone please tell me where I can get tasklist to run in my CMD Prompt that...

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