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Search results for query: *

  1. nguenthe

    Automated email problem from Access thru Outlook

    Good put Chaz. I found and implemented the same method and now I use it for all my Access / outlook emailing. You can also add .cc and .bcc, but I have not found a need yet. Here is my implementation of it: Sub SendEmail(sSubject As String, sTo As String, sFrom As String, sMsg As String...
  2. nguenthe

    Monitor Outlook email via Access

    I finally made a couple minutes to go back through this when the folder ID changed and the program started sending out invalid emails. It is not that bad to loop through the folders. Here is what I ended up with: Sub monitor_Incoming_Email() Dim myNS As NameSpace Set myNS =...
  3. nguenthe

    Monitor Outlook email via Access

    I think I mostly have it. The only thing that I am not super comfortable with is the Folder ID of the Folder in the PST: Sub monitor_Email() Dim myNS As NameSpace Set myNS = Outlook.Application.GetNamespace("MAPI") Dim oItem As Outlook.MailItem Dim dMaxDateTime As Date Dim inFolder As...
  4. nguenthe

    Monitor Outlook email via Access

    I receive emails every half hour to indicate that one of our servers is running. When the server goes down, it often goes unnoticed for hours and then we realize that we did not get the emails. I would like to write a module in access using vba so I can monitor the emails that get routed to a...
  5. nguenthe

    running multiple querys in order

    Here is a place to find how to add a record from vba: http://www.functionx.com/vbaccess2003/howto/addrecord.htm Here is a place that teaches you to add default fields w/ date & time functions: http://databases.about.com/od/tutorials/ht/Access_2010_Timestamps.htm Create a function called...
  6. nguenthe

    running multiple querys in order

    I would make sure that you do adequate testing. I have used the Do Events and found that it did not let one finish before the next started. That being said, I did/do turn warnings off so maybe that is the issue. I am not sure what good it would be to do a series of events with the warnings on as...
  7. nguenthe

    running multiple querys in order

    I would caution you on this. I have gotten mixed results when doing sequential queries via code like this because sometimes it seems that query #2 might start before #1 completes. I do not know if this is a perception or if you can just add do events in between the queries. Not sure if Access...
  8. nguenthe

    Combining 2 Pass Thru Queries where 1 is Group By

    Thanks! I spent some time looking at this last night and here was what we came up with. SELECT icwhseitem_0.whse, icitem_0.vendnum, icitem_0.itemnum, icitem_0.description1, icitem_0.description2, icwhseitem_0.onhandqty...
  9. nguenthe

    Combining 2 Pass Thru Queries where 1 is Group By

    I am trying to merge two pass thru queries. One is parts and part attributes, the other is calculating a rolling 12 months sum of sales. Here is the code for the one summing the sales: SELECT z.itemnum, sum(case when z.yr = year(sysdate) and month(sysdate) >= 1 then z.actualusage_01 else...
  10. nguenthe

    Multiple Table Joins Syntax Problems

    Here is the code i am trying to wokr through. All seems to work fine until I incorporated the iCi table. I cannot figure out how to set up the joins in the right order. Can anyone please help? SELECT i.itemnum, i.description1, i.udindx3 AS...
  11. nguenthe

    Convertine local iif statements to Pass Thru syntax Question

    I am a bit stuck on converting some local Access queries to real SQL as I am still learning SQL syntax. Can anyone assist? I butchered it pretty well below. Any assistance is greatly appreciated. I am most stuck on going from Access "Iif" to SQL If. SELECT TOP 120 w.loc...
  12. nguenthe

    SQL Formatter Tool

    For anybody that struggles to read the SQL that Access generates, here is a great website that will format your SQL for you: http://www.dpriver.com/pp/sqlformat.htm Hope this helps, Nic
  13. nguenthe

    Pass Thru Subselect Syntax Help

    Thank you - the left join worked and all is well. As it relates to the first method, the error was: ODBC--call failed. Syntax error in SQL statement at or about "SELECT onhandqty fromdomdata.pub.icwhse" (10713) (#-210056)
  14. nguenthe

    Pass Thru Subselect Syntax Help

    I spoke too soon. The second method actually kind of worked, but only in the event where there is a matching record for the 'RTL' Whse . How can I get this to work even if the 'RTL' Whse does not have a record?
  15. nguenthe

    Pass Thru Subselect Syntax Help

    The first method still bombed with the same errors I was initially getting. The second method worked perfectly! Thank you so much - this will make a HUGE performance difference.
  16. nguenthe

    Pass Thru Subselect Syntax Help

    I am trying to improve some queries by doing the subselects against the same table (but referencing other records). Something is incorrect in my syntax and I have tried a bunch of variations of the referenced table and nothing seems to work. Can anyone please help? The goal is to get every field...

Part and Inventory Search
