Well already figured it out: (at least one way)
You have to create dll which will do this for you and do function calls to this dll.
If you have any other sugestions or some points for the way I found please post them.
Will be highly appreciated.
Here is something new for gurus!
Did anybody try to connect to ACCPAC (no matter what part: AP, AR,...) from Lotus DB?
If someone succeeded?!?! How did you do that, how did you add a reference to COM API?
Thanks for any info, or pointing to the sources!
Lotus Server and client v 6.5
Hey benaround,
Here is your code for accessing SQL Server through ODBC link: SQL_ODBC is the name of ODBC connection that you have to set up. + u have to create a referece to DAO objec:
Tools->References - and check mark on Microsoft DAO , i used 3.6.
- free world, free use:)
Private wrkODBC...
Thanks Zemp,
I'll try to follow your guidelines.
The only thing that is different from the way that you have used is that I am trying to specify exact tax amounts instead of letting ACCPAC calculate those.
Thanks for your post again.
I am working on stand alone VB application to import invoice into ACCPAC. And I'm having problem importing PST into the invoice:
APINVOICEheader.Fields("CNTBTCH").PutWithoutVerification (BatchNo)
I got the problem with restarting the process figured out
My mistake was that I was coding:
Goto ...
at the end of the error handling routine
should have...
Resume ...
But I still have problem with adding Taxes import!?
any help will be appresiated
Update on the previous post:
I was playing with Cancel method that is REMed at the end of the listing, and it actually can restart views for importing next invoice, BUT:
The thing is: You can import new invoices after error as long as you have all correct information in the invoices that...
Hi I am working on Invoice importing system for ACCPAC A/P.
I have a challenge for you:
When importing a batch (from external application) I can get to the point where the invoice that I importing has incorrect information (For example: Vendor ID, Invoice Nubmer, GL Account,...). When I try to...
Thank you Jayconverse and Zemp for your postings.
That helped me a lot - now I am at the proces of tuning my App.
I consider myself just a newbie in ACCPAC programming,
and you guys are the only source of info I get.
I would never started working with ACCPAC if not this forum and not you...
I am writing a program to import invoices into ACCPAC batch. Following is the code fragment that import (should import:) ) data into ACCPAC.
1. I am not sure how all this VIEWs thing works - I've seen in sample macros that view gets declared, initialize and COMPOSED. MY question: I would...
Thanks Jay,
Your post was really helpfull - I've spent a lot of time looking for the view that contains Invoice Info - now I got it.
Thanks again for your post
Sorry forgot to say:
Macros Recording will not help!
And, There are two ways as I see:
1. Call api - which imports Access DB.(if it is exists?)
2. Manually fill in the data using views.(which views?)
Thank you for viewing and responding!
I am working on the system which supposely will import batch of invoices from Access DB to ACCPAC A/P. I'm using VB6.0 and COM API (stand alone application)to import new batch to ACCPAC 5.2A.
Here is what works and what not:
It establishes connection with ACCPAC, creates a new batch...
Thanks zemp, I found your explanations really usefull.
P.S. By 'low lovel' I ment everithing you explained earlier - connect to SM, Views contain Business Logic and MS takes care of futher connection.
Thanks again.
I am trying to connect to ACCPAC "server" (if one can call it server). It is my first experience with ACCPAC so sorry for possibly newbie questions.
I am writing stand alone VB6.0 application which is intended to connect to ACCPAC Advantage 5.2A and (at least) get (reserve) Batch Number...
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