But the phone use alrealdy DTMF dailing, so that is not the problem.
I have a short code 0N to dail and it works fine with phone manager. But not with a normal phone.
I have a IP Office 403 v2.1(15).
But i get a error when i use the IP Office wizard.
The error is: Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parametername: length
What do's it mean?
I have a IP Office 403 and a analog expansion.
I must call a 0 to dail out. With the phone manager it works great. But i can't call out with the normal phone.
Anybody know this problem?
I have a IP Office v2.1 and i have a problem with outgoing calls.
With incomming calls no problems.
I have 3 ISDN lines.
I must dail a 0 for a outgoing call. So i have set the Prefix on 0, the international prefix on 00 and the national prefix on 0
Anybody know what go's wrong??
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