I'm currently amending an application to introduce a postcode lookup field using ASP & VBScript.
I've got a button on my NameAddress.asp and also a value for the current address. When I click the button I want a new page called Postcode.asp to pop up with the current address value taken over &...
Thanks for your help so far, it's all becoming a little clearer now.
Just to clarify as I'm still unsure re the window.opener.location='theURL.com' so I'll try and give more of a clue of what I'm after (which might be a bit tricky as I'm very new to all this and not to sure what I'm after)
I'm currently working on an application that I want to amend so that it has a new postcode look up function.
The applcation has an address page with existing address info and a postcode lookup button. Upon clicking the button I want a new window to open taking across the existing address info...
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