I am new to perl and need help with this quetion. from machine A, I log into machine B. How do I from machine A open a terminal on machine B and execute command "pwd"?
What perl module i should use? please help
Hi all,
We want to have a build automation using VBscript and MS Visual Studio. Can some one share what they have or please point me to a place to learn how to do it?
CAn't find it through search. I can't
Can someone please show me how to steup an automation build for VC++ IDE? either perl/vb or command line or VC++ API? I am tasked to work on it but dont know where to start, so i start here. Please help
Please help me to write an awk or sed statement that do:
1. if see any line that started with "local0." (local0 follow by a dot) replace the entire line with "local0.debug /var/test"
2. If I dont see any line that started with "local0." append "local0.debug /var/test" to the file
hi, I want to add a line to file new.log if /var/log/new.log is not presented in the file.
But it add:
$A_STRING /var/log/new.log
instaed of
local0.debug /var/log/new.log
awk '/\/var\/log\/new.log/{++n}{print}END{if(!n)print "\n$A_STRING...
Thanks a lot it work perfectly.
I want to enhance this script so that if string ";none" not presented before the "Tab" then add it. If it's already there then dont add it. How do I check in this statement?
sed -e '/\*.info/bl1' -e '/\*.warning/bl1' -e '/\*.notice/bl1' -e '/\*.err/!b' -e ':l1'...
I try it and it say "sed: -e expression #1, char 40: Extra characters after command"
here is the file.txt
*.info;mail.none;news.none;authpriv.none;cron.none /var/log/messages
*.err;mail.none;news.none;authpriv.none;cron.none /var/log/message
Please help
I want to search a text file for any line that has "*.info" or "*.err", If i found it I insert the string ";none" before the 'tab'.
I sucessfully do either "*.info" or "*.err" but dont know how to do both on the same line. Please help. How do I put a 'or' statement in the below line to also...
I want to do the following but have no clue. Please suggest.
1) I want to search in a file "config.txt" for a line that started with "*" follow by anything, then "LOG" then "one or more tab" then /var/log (ex: *124adfadf;*LOG /var/log). If I found this line I want to remove "LOG" and save...
How do I do this?
i want to search entire file foo.txt for string that started with "*one;twothree". Then see if that string contain string "FOO" or not. if Not Replace the first white-space with "FOO"
sed '/"*one;twothree/[HOW DO I CHECK FOR FOO HERE]s/ /FOO /' foo.txt
IP_ADDRESS=`/sbin/ifconfig | grep inet`
ex: the $IP_ADDRESS now is: " inet Ip: Mask:"
How do I remove the all the white-space at the begining of $IP_ADDRESS if any line before move on to the next statement? so that $IP_ADDRESS will become "inet Ip: Mask:"
Wow... Cool it's a tab not a space. So how do you replace a tab. I try \t but it doesnt wotk. it replaces the t instead of a tab. Sorry, I am a newbie and is learing this stuff. Thanks a lot
sed '/info;mail/s/\t/GOT.IT /' foo.txt
info;mail.none;auGOT.IT hpriv.none;cron.none...
Hi, Please help me why it doesn't work for me. Thanks
linuxbuild : /home/g2345c >sed '/info/s/ /GOT.IT /' foo.txt
info;mail.none;authpriv.none;cron.none /var/log/messages
# The authpriv file has restricted access.
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