thanks , looks ok then might have to decide how i'm going to handle the knowledge base as to that happens with the solutions and problems table as like you said a solution could belong to many problems and a problem could have many solutions in theory.
thanks again
ohh ohhh :) one last brain teaser for you, this time regarding the solutions / problems / ticketDetails tables.
Initialy I had the solutions table linked directly to the tickets table insted of the problems table. So the problems table was linked to ticketDetails and solutions was linked to...
Ok had another look at it a realised the relationship for the 2nd link was the wrong way round as the arrow end is the 1 end .
i've sorted that now if the version 2 picture and linked AssignedTo To staffID and its auto set assignedTo as a FK which I THINK is correct.
take a quick peek see what...
just a little not to add , would add it to the previous message but theres no edit function that I can see :(
In visio when I try and create the seccond one to many relationship for the staff.staffID and ticketDetials.assignedTo visio is wanting to place a ticketID FK in the staff table ?? is...
i've created the two different database diagrams in visio here they are
version1 is the version where I have seperated the staff table so theres now a technician table also.
ok but drawing out the tables a relation ships on paper that would mean there would be 2 one to many links between the STAFF and TICKET tables. Is it correct database design to have 2 links like this between the two tables ?
just a little update / addition
would I be better creating a seperate table so insted of having the staff table and using the userRole table to determin if the users a standard user or a technician.
for example would I be better having a staff table and this would just hold the standard staff...
Im trying to design a database to use in SQL server , the design i've got now is working but It just doesn't look right to me and there must be a better way to set things out. I've also noticed that potentially i've got a many to many relationship here :(
Heres the current situation
Theres 3...
Hi all go easy on me as im still getting the hang of this
iv got a bash script that will bundle a few files together. to run it you enter somthing like this
bundle house home light > newfile
this will put the 3 files "house home light" together in the newfile.
I got it doing that...
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