Thanks for all the effort everyone I really appreciate it. This has been the worst problem I have ever had and have not been able to resolve it any way listed. Another guy at work who knows a lot about computers had the exact same problem. Is not a matter of not being able to get online just...
Tried the pinging thought it was going to work for a while as I actually stayed up for 2 hours this time I believe but could be wrong that is the longest itme yet.
I am not sure what hardware to check. If it was just with dial up and not doing the same thing with the dsl at work I would thing...
Thanks that worked once before i had a similar problem and it fixed it a year or so ago. This time have tried both those to no avail.. Simply Restarting the computer fixes the problem but it comes back within an hour or so. That is what is throwing me all off. why would it connect and work for a...
They do after about 12 hours but this is happening every hour or so and it happens whether or not i'm doing something or not. Plus I have e-mail set to check every minute on the minute.
Also just realized this. I can ONLY Ping my ISP when it locks up no other site.
I have disabled everything...
Ok I have read some peoples problems that are similar but can not find one that is exactly as mine. I have tried all of their fixes and they don't help. this is the problem
I Have a dell desktop with Windows XP
I connect to the internet and stay connected. I can browse and send e-mail just...
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