does anyone know how to changed the date from US to UK.
The start date is US but the end date is UK.
var myDate = x+"/"+m+"/"+y; - this defines the end date but there is notthing which defines the format of the first date?
It works.
I have noticed somthing though.
No sure if it me. If u ask the program to add 33 days. It increments the month as it should. If u try 54 or above it show the days as so:
Start Date: 01/09/2003
No of days: 54
Start + no fo days: 32/02/2003
Here is...
Same. Thing........
Its strange because if u declare it e.g. 4 then it works.
I have also tried
var x = start.getDate() + document.frm.DaysToAdd.value
It works but if you use any thing abover 31 it does not increment the months?????//
Man i am confused.
I had a look. the formt is Ok it just that is does not add x amount of day onto the date. If i put and number like
var x = start.getDate() + 7;
It works.
Even is i put 320 it works perfectly, however when I try to make that number dynamic (7) it just goes crazzy.
I have done mods but i get the following results:
01/09/2003 10 01/NaN/2003
function add(numDaysToAdd) {
var daysInMonth=new Array(31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31);
var start = new...
I need some reall help please.
Ok I have 3 fields
1 = name="x_start_date"
2 = name="x_no_day_count"
3 = name="x_end_date"
I need a Script that when i put the start_date in and the no_days_count it will automaticaly work out the end date.
Can anyone point me in the right...
Hello all
I have use PHP Object to allow Flash to obtain information from a MYSQL database. No problem, It all works very well.
The problem I am having is "how do i get flas to recall a image LOCATION from flah. I do not wish to store a image in flash rather redirect it to a folder.
Here is...
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