I am trying to write a query (TSQL) in sql server to derive an imageurl for each employee using their empId.
The images are saved as empId.gif (e.g. 0001.jpg) in this location /images/employeephotos/
How do i write the t-sql return a concantenated url of the location if the employee has an...
I have a value list combobox (cboShift) on my form with selections as "1st Shift";"2nd Shift";"3rd Shift" and a subform that should filter my records based on the shift selected on the mainform.
My data fields in my query are [TimeStart], [Time Stop], [other fields].
I would like that e.g. when...
Thanks Kevin :)
Now, how do i get my $string ($ckbox5) to collect this value. So that i can place it in a table field, so that $ckbox5 collects the values in the array like this $ckbox5 = "Trades Date / Pre-settlement / Archived".
my @answer5= param('answer5');
foreach $ckbox5 (@answer5) {...
Hello friends,
It is my first time programming in cgi/perl, and i need to do a quick task.
I have 5 checkboxes for answer5.
I want to receive the checked values in my checkboxes (into an array) and concatenante them so that $answer5 will be received as e.g. "Trades Date / Pre-settlement /...
Does anyone have any idea what i am doing wrong here? I am getting error 3078, Input or query not found. But my table exists in tht location.
SQLstr12 = ("SET IDENTITY_INSERT statusCodes ON " & _
"INSERT INTO statusCodes (statusCode, statusDescription, statusSortOrder, shortStat) " & _
My tables are sybase linked tables to my Access front end. I get this error whenever i click away from my mainform while my not-null fields (textboxes) have not been entered. So, i would like to put an error message "somewhere" that tells the user to fill in the necessary fields and highlight...
I have also tried the Dlookup you gave me. It does do anything. I still have it commented in my code. That's why i thot i try select again.
If DLookup("WeekEnding", "tblNoSupportHrs", "sID=" & DQ & Me.txtResource & DQ & " AND WeekEnding=" & DQ & Me.Text18 & DQ) = Me.Text18 Then...
Hi PHV, I think this new error deserves a new thread.
since it's a different thing entirely.
Thanks for your continuous help in this regard and Thanks to TheAceman1 too.
The new error is here:
I am attaching this code to the onload event of a form bound to a table.
And i want it to check a chkbox on this form if some data on this form (Text18, txtResource) exits in "another" tiny table ([Weekending], [sID]).
Here is what i have at the onload event:
On Error GoTo Err_ChkBox_Click...
The form is bound to a table and depending on the week selected, it populates those fields when it's loaded, through the form's record source.
code attached to the record source is as follows:
FROM dbo_LDR_Support
WHERE (((dbo_LDR_Support.Resource)=shortID()) AND...
Thanks again PHV,
I am attaching this code to the onload event of a form bound to a table.
So that if data exits in another tiny table (check this box).
Here is what i have at the onload event:
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim DQ As String
DQ = """"
If DLookup("WeekEnding", "tblNoSupportHrs"...
Thanks PHV :D
That works great!
While i am on this issue.
MySQL = "SELECT WeekEnding from tblNoSupportHrs WHERE [[sID] = " & DQ & Me.txtResource & DQ & _
" And [WeekEnding] = " & DQ & Me.Text18 & DQ & ";"
If Me.Text18 = MySQL Then
umm... im back again. I am having trouble with this.
Can you check my code please? Thanks.
MySQL = "DELETE * FROM tblNoSupportHrs WHERE [sID] = " & Me.txtResource & _
"And" & DQ & [WeekEnding] =& DQ & Me.Text18 & DQ & ";"
Ohhh Splendid!!! this works :D :D
When i check it works.
However, when i uncheck, I still get the error. Can you help me fix my delete code also?
MySQL = "DELETE * FROM tblNoSupportHrs WHERE sID = " & Me.txtResource
I get this error when i check and uncheck my checkbox.
The checkbox is located on a form and when it's checked it's supposed to feed data into a small table.
When i click on it. I get this "Error 3061. Too few parameters expected 1" What could be wrong here?
Private Sub...
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