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Search results for query: *

  1. nego78

    COUNT with two joins (unlimited hierarchy)

    Yes i know and in this example i use nested model - left and right columns. But problem is not with usage but with counting companies belonging to each localization. when i've got: Name, Left, Right First, 1 , 6 Inside1 2,3 Inside2 4,5 Second, 7,8 I need to find how many companies...
  2. nego78

    COUNT with two joins (unlimited hierarchy)

    So you don't have ideas or it's best solution ?
  3. nego78

    COUNT with two joins (unlimited hierarchy)

    hi i've got two tables Localization (Localization_Id,Localization_Left,Localization_Right) - indexes on Localization_Id PRI and on (Localization_Left,Localization_Right) Company (Company_Id,Localization_Id) - indexes on Company_Id PRI and another one for Localization_Id I use this query to...
  4. nego78

    rebuild database to decrease it's size

    i've got many tables but to describe my problem i think that will be enough. CREATE TABLE Elementy ( Elementy_Id varchar(20) NOT NULL default '', Elementy_Dane text, PRIMARY KEY (Elementy_Id) ); CREATE TABLE Linki ( Linki_Id mediumint(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment...
  5. nego78

    Not really random

    You didn't show exact query I don't know is there any cache in your application Next, i don't know how many images you have in db. If you have small number of images you will see many times the same images. And one thing - usage of order by rand() on big table is not reasonable.
  6. nego78

    optimization inner join

    hello :) I've query which use 2 inner joins i've thought that i use proper indexes but EXPLAIN showed that i'm wrong my tables: CREATE TABLE `telefony_Cechy` ( `Cechy_Id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `Cechy_Nazwa` varchar(255) collate utf8_polish_ci NOT NULL default ''...
  7. nego78

    Centralized CMS idea : need some expertise.

    Don't do that. Use something like ioncube.
  8. nego78

    How does php handle the "&" in string?

    I suppose that you use php to display html page. Check in the source of generated page for '&'. In html '&' you should write as '&'
  9. nego78

    Encoding problem w/ DB migration

    Use --default-character-set=latin1 with mysqldump i mysql: mysqldump -h host -u user -p --default-character-set=latin1 databasename > plik.sql mysql -h host -u -p --default-character-set=latin1 -D datbasename < plik.sql
  10. nego78

    prefork or worker? which do I have??

    When you run httpd -V you should receive messages and one of them can be: Server MPM: Prefork which defines mode of your server
  11. nego78

    Speed up LIKE '%asdf%' or alternative

    guelphdad: yes i wrote & instead % ggggus: maybe you can write script in perl or php which get all part numbers, split them into smaller pieces and you insert these pieces in new table with index when you will search you select pieces nr from this table joining table with product id and...
  12. nego78

    Optimize full text search

    thank you for answer but i dont think so it'll help i split this query into 5 quries where main query looks: SELECT MATCH(a.Firmy_Nazwa,a.Firmy_Opis,a.Firmy_Ulica,a.Firmy_KodPocztowy,a.Firmy_Szukaj) AGAINST ('+search +phrases' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS Punkty,a.Firmy_Id, a.Firmy_Link,a.Firmy_Nazwa...
  13. nego78

    Speed up LIKE '%asdf%' or alternative

    I can be wrong but when you search LIKE '&sth%' than mysql don't use index on this field.
  14. nego78

    Optimize full text search

    Hi i've got database for site which has a data of many companies (1 milion rows in main table): CREATE TABLE `firmy_Firmy` ( `Firmy_Id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `Firmy_Nazwa` varchar(255) collate utf8_polish_ci NOT NULL default '', `Firmy_Opis` text collate...
  15. nego78

    One SSL and many non ssl virtuals

    i've got a a domain which runs over port 80, now i'd like move it to 443 on ssl. On this machine i 've many virt host running on 80. i can delegate another ip for ssl. <VirtualHost xx.xx.xx.xxx:80> ServerAdmin admin@example.com DocumentRoot /home/klienci/mia/strony_www/example.com...
  16. nego78

    Pull Unix Timestamp as M/D/Y

    KarveR is right - you must insert column with date type Unixtime is limited from 1970 Via-Net - web directory
  17. nego78

    Slow query

    Do you have indexes on: b.record_id c.pc_make d.cat_code e.sub_code ? Via-Net - web directory
  18. nego78

    complicated query with subqueries

    How can i modify this query to make it work ? SELECT a.Zamowienia_Id ,DAYOFMONTH(a.Zamowienia_DataZamowienia) ,b.Uzytkownicy_Imie ,b.Uzytkownicy_Nazwisko ,c.SposobZaplaty_Nazwa ,d.RodzajPrzesylki_Nazwa ,a.Zamowienia_DataZamowienia ,a.Zamowienia_DataRealizacji...
  19. nego78

    How converts encoding

    Hi i've got a lot of old data which is encoded as latin2 and stored in tables with latin1 enc. How can i convert it and styrore in utf-8 table with utf-8 encoding? Any ideas ? Via-Net - web directory
  20. nego78

    images in tbale columns

    Yes, in table you have to create fields to hold information ex.: Image_Id Image_Name Image_Desc Image_Itself - LONGBLOB type column for binary data But i suggest that you should omit this way of keeping data. Use traditional way to put image path in table - it'll be faster to retrieve (assume...

Part and Inventory Search
