What is the best way to move existing user accounts to a newly built server, without re-adding them one by one? Is there a doc on this somewhere?
thanks in advance guys
Thanks so much for this guys, i ran the command and all is good.
thanks once again for your help, this place is truly a great tool for gathering information.
The only desktop that i know of from Sun for windows is thte lookingGlass project. People would be so lucky to have it fro 50$ It's more advanced then anything I've seen, and it's what desktops should of been a long time ago. Just go to sun.com and do a search for lookingGlass. Watch the demo...
Hello everyone.
I have another problem, i pulled my 18gig production web-server drive that was mirrored, and i need to place it back in the machine now. It is still running on the main drive, the one i pulled was the 2nd drive. What is the command to resync these two drives together again...
I'm looking for help once again. I have a v120 Sun box, but my boss forgot to order it with a cd-rom.(management..go figure) Anywho, I have a Iomega usb cd-rom. What is the command to mount this device?
Thanks so much in advance.
Hello all.
I'm new to a Sys-Admin role, so forgive me. Here is my situation thou. I have a 18gig drive that runs Solaris 8. This drive is old and needs to be upgraded. I have 3 new 222r's in that are 30gig drives. My questions is. What is the best way(step-by-step doc) on take the...
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