I have a horizontal line at the bottom of each Details row. It is set to Move To Bottom of Section When Printing (although turning this on and off does not seem to affect my problem).
When the report breaks to a new page, the text of the last record on the Page 1 prints, but the line does not...
I've designed a custom Form, and have placed a UDF on the Compose page. I would like the value from this field to display at the top of the message body.
I've clicked Edit Read Page, but I can't figure out how to get that value to appear in the message field. Is this possible?
1) I have a template that creates a form letter, to a selected supplier (from our Oracle database). I have that merge working ok.
2) Within that merged letter, I also need to insert a table that will display catalog items from an Oracle database. I wanted the macro to look for...
I have not added any code yet for the bookmark, so that's not the problem. I will add the code in when I've fixed this problem.
I merely run a MailMerge.Execute. The bookmark exists in the main document, but does not exist in the merged document.
I've created a Word template that has a macro to run a catalog merge. The macro is to then look for a named bookmark, go to that bookmark and perform an action at that location.
However, while the bookmark exists in the template, after I run the merge, the bookmark does not exist in the merged...
I have one Crystal Report that I would like to use at different times on 4 different but idential data sources. I don't want to have to save 4 copies of the report.
Can I use a parameter (or other method) to prompt the user to select the datasource on the fly?
I use the same report template, but switch datasource locations on the fly. Is there any way to print the current datasource location in my report header?
In Windows Explorer, when I click "Send to", I get the options "Desktop (as shortcut)" and "Mail Recipient". If I choose "Mail Recipient", it creates an email with the file as an attachment.
Is there a way add an option "Mail Recipient (as shortcut)" ?? I don't always want to send the file...
I have Seagate Info 7.0 installed. I've been asked to do some testing of Crystal Reports 10. Can I install them both on the same pc, or will it screw up my SI7?
When I boot up my pc, I can toggle the CAPS LOCK key on and off while still in DOS mode, but as soon as I log into NT, the light become inactive. The KEY still works, but I have no clue which mode I'm in. Help!
Can I use a filter in a pivot table without using the "filtered" column as a field in the layout?
I want to use Column A and Column B only in my table, but only for those entries that have a specific value in Column C. Am I making any sense?
I check out the website - that looks like the best I will be able to do.
I think when I used to use Lotus Organizer that you could "overlay" two schedules without having to "import" them, so I was hoping to do that with Outlook.
Thanks for the tip!
I did create a second pst file with my personal items in it. Can I now see my "work" calendar with my personal calendar "overlaid", without merging them permanently?
I'm using Outlook 2000 on a network. In addition to my work-related appointments, I also have many private appointments, but I'm getting tired of marking them all "Private" (and forgetting some!)
Is it possible for me to have two calendars - my normal network one and a private one...
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