The nohup actually displays the pid, and I want nothing displayed.
Cruel, yours worked with the exception it hangs until you terminate. The process I'm running is tail -f. I want to capture my shell history per session in a different file to keep tract of my changes. Maybe script would be...
I would like to be able to start a background job using & without it displaying a pid, and when I exit, I would like for it to not tell me "jobs are still running."
Does anyone know how to do this?
Thanks in advance for your assistance!
You do not have to stop HACMP in order to make the changes you suggest.
You are right about the varyonvg -bu vgname from the primary node, on the secondary node you will need importvg -L vgname. If you do it this manual way.... be sure to go back to your primary node, and issue a varyonvg...
We are trying to delete files 14 days and older from a directory that contains a lot of files. We have been using the following:
find /logs -mtime +14 -type f -exec rm {} \;
This returns an error that the "list is too long."
Does anyone know of another way to do this?
We are trying to send pre-formatted PCL code to a canon imagerunner 5000 from aix. We have a Wallace script that meerges the text with the PCL codes using Jetform/PrintMerge. Has anyone successfully done this before? and if so how did you define the print queue?
I have tried many, many...
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