I have this field where it concatenates a bunch of fields with tabs between then. The DIAGNOSIS field I need to format to a certain way using this !@@@\.@@ basically putting a period 3 characters in.
claimline: [DESCBETOS]![BETOSDESC] & Chr(9) & [ARGUMENT_CLAIM_LINE]![FROM_DATE] & Chr(9) &...
How do I say Loop Until I get to last record, I want to loop thru the records copying and pasting in to other app and stop when it gets to the last record
I have this
Dim stAppName As String
Dim lngRetval As Long
Dim dblRandomVariable As Double
dblRandomVariable =...
I have this code and it runs this winbatch program. I want it to loop thru the records in this subform. But its running to fast, I thought the timerinterval would slow it down but it is not working. Also when the code gets to the last line when I want it to stop where theres a false (its a check...
I want a made control box on a form with the next previous last and first record buttons, which I can do. but between them I would a txtbox that has the current record number and one for the total records like
Record |< < 1 >| >| >* of 4
I need a text box that gives me the current record...
I have a date field that need to be converted to a string in a public function. Does anyone know how to do that,
[DATE]. I am getting a data type mismatch. or can I reference a field from a form in a public function like
dim forms!formname!fieldname as string, probably not?
Can I concatenate columns in a database with a tab between each column.
If so is there a special tab charater to use.
sort like this
Can you confirm that sapiSleep is a system routine?
like in this example...
Sub sSleep(lngMilliSec As Long)
If lngMilliSec > 0 Then
Call sapiSleep(lngMilliSec)
End If
End Sub
I need to connect Access to an Imaging program, which we have not selected yet. I have a database with a primary key field in every table that ww want to link to a folder and list of documents for the key field and have if retrieved in the viewer. Basically we'll have a form were the primary key...
I can not delete a record out of a table that has turned into what looks chinese writing. I get this error
"The search key was not found in any record"
This seems to be happening quite a bit.
Is there a fix for this?
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