I have a project database with many fields with one field called drawing number. For each record, I may have a single drawing number with at least a single sheet. Or, I may have a single drawing with many sheets and each sheet having a unique dash number assigned to it. As an example...
I have Combobox named "Combobox1" on a worksheet named "Stat Input Menu". The text I need to fill "Combobox1" with is on another worksheet named "Const".
When I run the code (see below) from a command button in the worksheet "Const" (which is trying to set "listfillrange dynamically) it counts...
I need to find the absolute upper left corner (relative to the screen)of a rectangle thats been arbitriarly drawn anywhere on a spreedsheet. I can write VBA code to show the position using mousedown event. But, I need to find it exactly where it is and not "close enough".
I’ve tried the code below on three different “things”. The first one was a simple rectangle that I drew and assigned the macro below. Every time I clicked on the rectangle, I’d get the screen coordinates, and not the coordinates in relationship of the rectangle, where 0,0 is in the upper left...
I have drawn an irregular rectangle shape using “Lines” in Excel 2000. I have assigned a macro titled “WhereAmI” (see below) to that shape that outputs the x and y position of the cursor. And it works just fine. But, I need to set x = 0 and y = 0 at the lower left corner of this irregular...
I'm at my end of my rope. I just can't seem to find the correct code to assign a caption, name, and a macro to a commandbutton. Need your assistance. See code below. The first line puts the button on the active sheet just fine. But, it's the next line (With statement) that's eating my lunch...
I have an Excel VBA code that automaically creates a commandbutton just fine. But, I'm having difficulity assigning an established macro to it or I'll even take assigning code to the button.
The one liner code is....Sheets(1).Activate
I am trying to select a merged cell and then delete the text in that merged cell. Simple enough. I even generated the code using the Macro recorder (see below). But when I execute the code I get the error....
"Select method of range class failed".
Any insights?
Thanks for the input, but still having an issue...
My code for all practical purposes is...
Dim sheetnumber As Integer
sheetnumber = Cells(35, 2)
When I execute the code, I get a "424 error" stating "Object required" at the...
I am using a listbox (Forms not Activex) to make a selection. The listbox output is a number. The number it outputs will be (with a little manipulation) used to ID the sheet number (i.e. sheet1, sheet2, etc.). I can get to the sheet by using Sheets(Cells(r,c)).Select, but it does not make it...
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