I have just installed XP Pro on my Asus P4B computer.
Plus its integrated periferals, I have a modem, nic and soundblaster cards.
The system works very fine and I haven't any problem, but today I found, tring to use a 256MB USB Flash periferal, that I don't see USB ports, nor I never see...
I have some NT 4.0 Server PC with 1 PDC e some BDC connected by 12 NT 4.0 Workstations.
Sometimes some users said me that user's share on a server answer that "access denied because max connections reached" .
I have tried to increase max connections numeber to 10000, but don't...
I have installed on my Pc first win NT 4.0 sp6 and then Linux Red Hat 6.0, so I had LILO Boot with a double entry (WinNT - Linux) :-D .
For a strange situation, after a crashed installation of Office 2000 :-s, my Pc never boot :-|.
First show Plug & Play detection menu, then the summary of...
Some viruses uses address book of Outlook program to send its code by the net to everyone found on the book. My suggetion is to don't open it and scan the attachment and your computer with an updated virus scanner.
I'd like to use two PRO/100 S Dsk in teaming :-D , Intel said on its site that it's possible, but Intel PROSet II don't give me the possibility :-( . Who can give me some solution ?
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