Hello, I'm having trouble with CRM integration with Great Plains and am trying to learn more about several error messages that are in event viewer. For example, when a new customer is added in GP the inetgreration does not carry the customer over to CRM.
I could use some help on what these error...
Hello, I have a button when clicked executes a stored procedure and populates a window and grid. I want to be able to check the user against a table and only allow the procedure to run if the user is in the table. Any Ideas how I can accomplish this?
Here is the code I'm working with:
Hello, I have very little VBA knowledge but have been giving a task which I need some direction. I have the code below that when the button is clicked will populate a window with data that is returned by a stored procedure. This all works great.
What I need to do is only allow the window to be...
I was affraid of that. Is it possible to have a buttons click event open a web page?
If so, what is the code in VBA
I've tried
Yes, it does seem crazy. Here are the methods and properties that intelesence shows:
How do I find the reference for MSforms?
Hello, I'm trying to populate a combobox with data from a SQL table. I have posted in the VBA forum but think I should post here as well as this may be a great plains issue.
The Great Plains VBA combobox appears to not have the additem or rowsource methods. How do you populate a combobox in VBA...
No, the code is in VBA 6.3 which comes with Great Plains. I'm just passing parameters to a stored proc and calling a crystal report. The comboboxes will be used to obtain the values from SQL that are needed to pass to the SPROC. So I believe that I'm in the correct forum.
The issue that I'm...
LOL, sorry for the newbness. invBegNum is the actual name of the control on the userform. It was assigned something else when it was dropped onto the form but I changed it to the name I'm using in a stored procedure for consistancy. The sub getinvdata() is on the form with the rest of the code...
Thanks rmikesmith for joining in. The combobox was added to the an existing form from the toolbox in the vb editor. All the examples that I have researched up to this point on how to populate a combobox says use the .additem method. It makes sense that I would get an error if the forms version...
Thanks HarleyQuinn for your reply. I tried your suggesion and it gave the same error message.
When writing the line of code intellisense does not list .additem as an available method or property. Could this be the issue?
Hello, I have been working at this for days and am no better off. I could really use some help.
I need to populate a combobox with data from a column in an SQL table. I have put together the code below but am having an error at this line:
invBegNum.additem rs.Fields.Item("RMDNUMWK").Value...
Like I mentioned, I'm still learning and am unsure of how to accomplish what you wrote in your post.
Use option explicit is just adding that in the general section.
I was following an example so I do not understand completely this section of code:
ReDim Preserve aryCodeList(0, lngIndex)
Thanks niceguymattx for pointing me in the right direction. I'm learning.
I think that I'm on the right track but it's not working. I'm getting an error that the varible at: ReDim Preserve aryCodeList(0, lngIndex) is not declared. I admit that Im new to this and following an example. I'm also...
Hello, I have a form with a drop-down list that I would like to have populated with data from a database. Can someone show me an example of how this is accomplished or point me to a tutorial?
Much Thanks!
Thank you for responding. I found a book and read the ado section and came up with this; which works:
Private Sub InvPrint_BeforeUserChanged(KeepFocus As Boolean, CancelLogic As Boolean)
Dim objCmd As ADODB.Command
Dim sDataConnect As String
Dim lngErrorNum As Long
Dim objConn As...
Ok, I've come up with this so far but it is erroring out on the first parameter with "(objComm,parameters(...=<item cannot be found in the collection correspond...
here is where I am at the moment. Any help would be great!
Private Sub InvPrint_BeforeUserChanged(KeepFocus As Boolean...
Hello, Can someone please show me an example of how to pass a parameter to a stored procedure? I have a crystal report that uses the stored procudure. I can call the procedure with this:
Set s = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.application")
s.Visible = True s.Navigate...
Hello, I need to be able to pass two varibles to a stored procedure that is used for a crystal report which should also run when a button is pressed. I believe that I have the stored procedure configured correctly to take the two varibles and have bound the crystal report to this procedure.
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