I am using Excel 2007. I have a worksheet with 200,000 rows of data in it- it was not my choice to set it up this way, I inherited the project!
The last column in the range of 200,000 rows is a calculated field that uses SUMPRODUCT to match certain column values for the current row...
Skip! I just realized that the final array IS written to a sheet! I can try to do what you describe at this point!
I will play with the idea...
Skip I think it would be too complicated to change at this point. There is a LOT of code, and like 3-4 different arrays that are all being bumped against one another and transformed into a final result set. I think changing the code too drastically would be a serious head ache.
I do plan to...
In response to:
"To elaborate on 3d, consider the simple loop...."
Ok I follow you... luckily this is not a problem because the values are wrtten to another array before "count" is incremented... the value of the variable is stored in a row in another array before the next iteration of the loop
Does each row in the array contain data columns for one and only one week?
answer: there can be more than one row for a given EndOfWeek date. For example if there are 3 campaigns all falling in week 1/1/1900, then there will be 3 rows with EndOfWeek = 1/1/1900. Actually to...
Alright this will be a long post but I will try to re explain my situation in plain english AND address the questions posted by you guys in order....
The situation in plain english:
I have a dataset, an array loaded from a sheet in Excel, with a bunch of integer columns and a date column. The...
Skip I am not skilled with VBA, this project was thrown at me and I'm having to work with what I do know. I'm trying to be as clear as I can and I apologize for any abiguity. Thanks for your patience.
By the way, you understand that your logic will result in the value of VARIABLE being based solely on whatever is in the LAST row of the array, right?
i left a lot of the code out but this bit of logic iside of another loop that walks through the rows appropriately
Hello thanks for replying!
By array I actually mean a UDT result set. By row/column I think I would be referring to dimensions within the array. I'm not sure what the correct terminology would be but for example;
Public Type RowArray
FieldA As String
FieldB As Integer
Hello! I am no VBA expert but was recently tasked with supporting and enhancing a project developed using VBA/Excel by another group within my company.
I am trying to take this basic logic:
For row = 1 To UBound(ARRAY)
VARIABLE = CCur(5 * _
ARRAY(row).Column1 + _...
look through the list of services, if there are any malicious entries you should know - b/c u should know what should and shouldnt be running as a service :)
try hijackthis if your worried about malicious startups or jackers, also try www.trendmicro.com antivirus...
i would just delete the...
A user on our network at work, his computer lost all access to the network this morning. Everything is set up correctly, adaware, spybot, and hijackthis have all been run sucessfully. In hijackthis! there was a new.net entry that would keep appearing no matter how many times it was removed...
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