Does anyone have an example using struts/tiles and the JSPTags
for paging?
I'm using the <logic:iterate > tag to throw a list of
data on the screen and I am not finding any helpful examples
of how to do this.
I have a form that uses a collection of objects (a data transfer object) to display a list of data. One of which is a checkbox. I want to get all the rows back on the submit and loop through them to get the ones that they checked to process them. PROBLEM is I can't get anything on the submit...
I am using the logic:iterate tag to display a table of info. It is sorted by the first 3 columns which may be repeated. I want to hide these values for all but the first occurance of it (basically making a group by kind of thing). How do I do that in the jsp? All I need to be able to do is...
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