AH!! Sorry... as an afterthought, i need different times of a weekend so for example Mon -Fri 0800 - 2100 Sat & Sun 1000 - 2000hrs
Is this anymore difficult? Sorry, i really am quite new to Java script :-(
It has to be client side, and it is not a problem to use the Users PC's Time as it is a small business network that the web page will be located on, so not a problem with the system time being out.
Hope this is a simple answer.
Basically, i have 1 hyperlink, and dependant upon the time of day i want it to go to different pages, for example
between 0800 and 2100 hyperlink goes to page A
between 2101 and 0759 hyperlink goes to page B
Any ideas???
That works fine, however i need to change the variables back to the long sentences, and these are a mix of upper and lowercase and numerical characters, so i changed:
if (addText.toLowerCase()=='no') window.alert ('YOU SHOULD ONLY SEE THIS IF YOU SELECT NO!');
Ah i see i see i see!!
Sorry! :-)
I did say i was a novice!!
OK, got the window.alert working, have changed the values to "yes" and "no" for now... but the alert is popping up whichever option i select... how do i tell it only to pop up on "NO"??
PS Many thanks for your quick responses, much...
I think we may have our wires crossed here....
The putText function is fine, it writes what i want it to in the big text box on the other side of the screen and in the correct order.
So you could say my form is fine. However, at the moment it has NO window.alert functions, and this is what i...
Billy Ray,
Not too sure why you are asking me to do that??? the problem is, i'm not sure how to get the window.alert to work if the user was to select "NO" for example. But if they where to selct "YES" then it would NOT show the alert.
I've managed to do it with checkboxes, but these are not...
Sorry about using "IE"!
This is also the first time i have used a forum!!
However, saying that, you seem to have solved the problem! I had already tried using \n in lots of other places, but didn't think of adding it as another variable, thank you very much for your quick response. :-)
Hello there,
I am fairly new to Javascript, all i want to do is add a carrage return to a value, IE when a dropdown option is selected, it writes some text in a text box, but i cannot get it to automatically carrage return so that when the next text box is selected it starts on a new line...
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