Would you like to polish the bullet before I shoot myself? I had the wrong field. It was f.invdate instead.
Works perfectly now!! Thanks a ton!
Thanks for the help. However, when I put the first formula (1-30) it highlights Aged0To30Days and says a string is required here. Which string would I use?
CR 10.0
Hello All,
I am trying to create a type of aging report for A/R. I need six formulas that will all be the same with the exception of the days. It needs to be like this:
if {armast.fcinvoice} is 1 to 30 days old then {armast.fnamount} else 0
The report will look like this...
I need to have a date always be in the period of the last full year. If I run it on 9/30/04 it includes all ship dates since 10/1/03. I did not see this in the list of periods within the Select Expert. Help needed please....
CR 10.0
Jeff C.
I had no idea this could be done. My only other question is what would be the proper syntax in Crystal for this sql statement? I am getting this error:
Line 5: Incorrect syntax near '!'
Thanks so much.....
Can anyone tell me how I would do this link within Crystal?
I have a text field that may contain the word 'Expedite'. It is a small text field, but I want the report to only give records where poitem.fdescript contains 'Expedite'. How do I do this?
Jeff C.
{poitem.fordqty} - {poitem.frcpqty}
{@Rem Qty} * {poitem.fucost}
The Group Header does not repeat for each page. Thanks for all your input and any other thoughts you may have.....
Jeff C.
I have two formulas that I need to do running totals:
1) @RemainingQuantity
2) @Ext
I have the following formulas for the first (@RemainingQuantity):
@SetManSum: (Suppressed in the Group Header)
NumberVar Mansum;
Mansum:= 0;
@GetManSum: (Suppressed in the Details)...
When I pulled up the Admin. Launchpad and had CMC open, it shows an error (red dot) on all but two servers; the Crystal Management Server and the Crystal Web Component Server. When I logged on to the actual server I opened the Crystal Configuration Manager, all servers show to be running. I...
That was EXACTLY what I was looking for....THANKS A MILLION!
Thanks to everyone else for their help. All post helped me look at things differently. I appreciate all of your time and efforts!
Jeff C.
CR 10.0
I have two tables:
I have one Group by Customer. What I want is to see the sum for orders that are past due from 'today', the sum of orders due remaining of the month, and the sum for each of the next three months. The field that I sum is poitem.ordamt. Here...
CR 10.0
We have an Accounts Payable report that list all outgoing checks, the amounts, and what invoices they are paying. I have a distinct count on check number so we see the number of checks per vendor that we write per month. The report is grouped by Vendor. I do the distinct...
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