I have a page that I need to open in an iframe, I am able to edit both pages.
The iframe content page breaks out of the iframe, I guess it is because of <body onLoad="top.location.replace('index.asp')"> that is within it. Basically this page I need to place in the iframe logs the user on using...
The to address has to stay as my boss as al emails need to go to her.
This is what I have
<!--#include virtual="/include/dbconn.asp"-->
sql = "Select email from mytable where ID BETWEEN 250 AND 300"
rs.Open sql, objConn
If Not rs.EOF
arrResultSet = rs.GetRows()
End If
Set rs= Nothing...
It is just a standard connection script
Dim cs, objConn
Set objConn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cs = "DRIVER={SQL Server}; SERVER=servername; UID=usename; PWD=password; DATABASE=dbname; REGIONAL=NO'"
objConn.open cs
I have to grab data out of a DB and email it to someone, but only if the ID's of the records are between 250 and 300 (so I will end up sending 50 emails).
I have written the email script using cdosys but this will send only one email, how do I get it to check through DB then send seperate...
Sorry to rehash this one back up, is it possible using a query to export the headers as column names so that we can easily match up the data to the row.
I have searched for an answer to this but found nothing useful...
I have a page that has to use an iframe (loading a form based on another server), the main page grabs Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER") which needs to be passed to the iframe form as I cannot use this server variable inside...
I have open blank at the moment but every now and again I receive emails saying that my site isn`t working, when I ask for the url of the offending page it is an external website! Believe it or not one of those emails was from my IT manager! I guess I just have really stupid users.
sorry, my original post was a little vague reading it back.
Basically if there is an external link on my site (so the user opens up a webpage that isn`t mine) I want a div to pop onto the screen to say you are leaving my site, it is an external link etc etc.
Inside the div it will give two...
Can someone help, I am wanting to have a javascript check for an external link and if it is then display a div to say it is an external link.
An example is http://clagnut.com/, if you scroll down and click a book for sale. thanks
I have a folder that is so large that I cannot open it so I wrote a simple .vbs script to wipe the files within it.
dim fso
dim folder
dim file
dim x
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set folder = fso.GetFolder("C:\myfolder")
For Each file In...
I have many web forms on my website using cdonts to send 2 emails per form. The first goes to whoever at our office needs the email and the second to the user saying that we will contact them shortly.
Lately the website has been under attack of spammers, I can`t even open the badmail folder it...
Since the start of the year we have been receiving a hell of a lot of rubbish sent using online forms on our website.
The forms are set up with cdonts, I have just looked through the C:\Inetpub\mailroot\Queue and it is full of emails such as
This is an...
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