Does anyone have som experience with this nasty thing?
I studied plenty of materials (web pages, books, PDFs....) but my AI sometimes makes really stupid thinks like playing against itself, meaningly loose and so on.
(After ugly memory allocation problems, I am cheerful to ask you...
I done it already. Those lists held memory allocated even after procedure / function termination. I've never worked with these lists before, so I didn't know, how to dispose them.
I think a Delphi dynamic array is a bit ineffective in this case ...
The number of cells is increasing during for...
I removed it. Memory usage is now far more smaller but still increases very quickly (= 600 KB / second).
Maybe, problem is also here:
p_array = ^t_array;
t_array =
I made gomoku (noughts - and crosses) program using minimax and alpha-beta pruning to seek best moves. The play board is defined as 2D array [1..15, 1..15] of shortint.
I made lot of auxiliary functions that manage this board, find rows, wins, marks and so on. During computer's...
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