Under myapp, there is a folder IMAGES. I stored all images into it. How to make imageurl universal so that no matter where to install the image still displa? I try:
but none of them work after I deployed.
I installed VS.NET in local pc. Is it possible to work on differnt ASP.NET project located at diffrent server? (all servers have no VS.NET installed) What components and files need to install?
I use code as bellow to map crystal report to crystalreportviewer. It works fine at workstation but not in web server which is windows 2003. I think that it may be mapping problem. How to map this line?
me.crvOrder.ReportSource = REPORT_ PATH
I want to move app to a Windows 2000 server. Server did not have VS.NET 2003 installed. In order to run app, what files need to install into this server? As I know, framework need to install, whatelse?
I have two app, APP_A and APP_B.
APP_A is in WEBSERVER and connected to the SQL server(SQL authentication) at the same machine: WEBSERVER. There is no problem to print crystal report.
APP_B is in WEBSERVER also but connected to the SQL server(Windows authentication) which is in different...
Yes, I use code as bellow:
Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim rpt As New MyReport 'The report you created.
Dim myConnection As SqlConnection
Dim MyCommand As New SqlCommand
Dim myDA As New...
LV, thank you for help but I do not think it is deploy problem. Let me tell you more detail:
I have two app, APP_A and APP_B.
APP_A is in WEBSERVER and connected to the SQL server(SQL authentication) at the same machine: WEBSERVER. There is no problem to print crystal report.
APP_B is in...
My app works very well in local pc. After moving app from local pc to web server, crystal report did not work. There is only crystalreportviewer on the screen and no any error message. At web server, I have vs.net 2003 installed. Do I need do something else to make crystal report work?
I have a asp.net appl named ORDER in WEB_SERVER(Windows 2003, IIS 6), if I open //localhost/ORDER/, it got data from another server named OrderServer(Windows authentication SQL server), but if I open //WEB_SERVER/ORDER, no data to get. How to fix it? I code: Authentication mode = Windows...
My computer's OS is Windows 2000, IIS 5. I created a MYAPP, it connected to a Windows authentication SQL server(OrderServer) which is in a Windows 2000 server. In web.config file, I code: Authentication mode = Windows, Idetity = impsersonate. It works fine.
Today, when I moved MYAPP to WEB...
I have the same problem in dropdown list selected value but not in datagrid. I used the code:
strCity = ddl.selecteditem.value
I passed strCity to another function. It works on and off and took me a lot of time to debug. Finally, I made a text box and code like:(make text box invisible)...
I have two store procedures, which one is better?
1) select * from many tables, add joining, where clause, order by...
2) create a view in which get the same tables, add joining, where clause, order by..., and then create a store procedure, select * from view.
The only thing I concerned is the...
I have a windows app and connected to a windows authentication SQL server-OrderSQL and works fine.
Here is connection string:
"data source=OrderSQL;initial catalog=Order;integrated security=SSPI;persist security info=False;Enlist=True;Pooling=False;Connection Lifetime=30"
I used this string in...
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