OK - new approach I found. Here is the code I have now:
<input type="hidden" name="gotolink" value="#">
<input type="radio" onClick="this.form.gotolink.value=this.value;" checked value="UploadImage.asp?Store=Pseohos&Type=cart" > Psephos
<BR><input type="radio"...
This seems to work except I actually need to send two variables in the URL ie:
but when I try this, my URL ends up looking like this:
I tried making the form...
ok - to simplify things let's remove the applet. I just want radio buttons with a standard button that calls another asp file with the value of the selected radio button.
I have a form with two radio buttons (soon to be more). Each button has name="shop" but different values. I also have a hover button that calls a URL. Now what I need to do is change the path in the URL based on which radio button is selected. Any suggestions?
I have a form with a drop down box that calles the page it is on (business.asp) with the selected value. The call (URL) is fine but once the page reloads, it never has the selected category "selected".
Here's the code:
intCategoryID = Request.QueryString("SelectedCategory")
I'm sorry - I don't quite understand.
On the first point, I understand that the old data is in the SelectedCategory as it writes that line prior to the submission of the form. I don't understand what you mean when you say:
1) you never actually access it
Doesn't the...
I have a drop down list (in a form) made from a query to a database but when I try to use the form result in the action statement, it holds old data. See my code:
<form name="frmCategoryName" method="Post" action="businesses.asp?Category=<%=Request.Form("SelectedCategory")%>">
What category of...
Never mind last post concerning downloading the .asp file. I had a custom error 500;100 set to a file not the correct url.
I am back to getting the JET database Engine eroor:Could not delete from specified tables.
and again - I know the script is fine. This has to be a system issue.
I'm not too concerned about the script itself - I know it works. This is a local machine set up issue.
I just installed a fresh new Win XP pro drive with service pack 2 and with the .net framework 1.1. Now, in Firefox when I go to open the classfieieds/default.asp file I get this pop-up window...
Here is the error I get when I have permissions set for both Administrator and IUSR accounts:
HTTP 500.100 - Internal Server Error - ASP error
Internet Information Services
Technical Information (for support...
HELP! I installed a classified ads script on my local machine, customized its colors, etc, then installed on my live hosted website. The live site is still running fine but I found my local version is no longer runable. I have reinstalled Win XP Pro since I last worked on it locally so I figure...
Newbie here - idiot instructions PLEASE!
I am working on my first flash document and I have two layers - each layer containing a text object. I have one of text object of layer1 dropping down and bouncing back up above the text object of layer2. On the way down, I want the text object of layer1...
OK - I feel a little silly. The real problem was I was using value='<%Response.Write....' and I should have been using value="<%Response.Write....". Double quotes instead of single quotes! Thanks everyone for the help!
Andy (and others!),
Thanks for the help. I now can see the full text string with apostrophys in the name but using the server.urlencode causes a "+" wherever there is supposed to be a space. (By the way, without the server.urlencode, I only see the text up to the first space.) Do I just have to...
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