Here is one way I have used to clear an Access table:<br>
With [variable name of table here]<br>
If Not (.EOF And .BOF) Then .MoveFirst<br>
Do Until .EOF<br>
End With<br>
Hope that helps!<br>
I have had problems in the past compiling an EXE on an NT 4 machine and then deploying it on a 95 machine. Strange bugs popping up in seemingly unrelated modules. I have found that re-compiling the EXE on a 95 machine usually fixes it. <br>
Hope that helps! (BTW, when I spoke with an MS...
I used this to detect a default browser and launch it, so this can be modified to launch Excel:<br>
These two statements are module level declares:<br>
Dim m_sPath As String<br>
Private Declare Function FindExecutable Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "FindExecutableA" (ByVal lpFile As String...
Can Brio handle/display a Long Varbinary data type. I am trying to pull this from a Broadbase data mart into a brio query and I receive a Memory Allocation failure. Anyone know if Brio can handle this data type?
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