i am trying to make a program which would recieve a website as a parameter or read one from a line in a text file, attempt to access that site, and if it recieves an error, deletes that site from the list, or returns an error a little like a proxy checker, how can i detect if it gets, for...
no, what i need is something which will automatically update my website's homepage, the homepage changes slightly day to day, so a few filenames are different, but the filenames are in fact dates, i need those dates to change
here is where i need the counter:
<P><A href="http://zippythepinhead.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=27-Jun-04&Category_Code=sun2004&Product_Count=23"><IMG src="/Merchant2/graphics/00000001/sundays/thumbnails/062704.gif" width="300" height="71" border="0"...
here is what i need, this is all for www.zippythepinhead.com's homepage if you need the source, what i need to do is; use the date() php function to change the following date formats:
sun2004 (where only the year changes)
062704 (this is 06/27/04)
and i also need a counter which...
i need to use the date() function, however, the date must be formatted like this: 011304 if the date was 01/13/04, how should i do this, also, is there a way to only return the first few letters of the date() function, if so, how, thank you very much in advance
i run a website which requires slight changes daily, i am looking for a way to automatically change a line in a specific html file sequencially every day (the line includes a date which is incrimented) i was wondering how i should do this, i have made a batch file which uploads the files...
i'm sorry i have to post this, but i havent been able to figure it out and i have a big project due tomorrow for computer science, what this is is a really bloated tic tac toe applet, for now, all i am looking for is 1. why it only fills the first square i select (from the JOptionPane), any...
thank you both very much, i investigated both of your solutions, i'm sorry to have bothered you with such a simple question but i couldnt seem to find the answer, again, thank you very much :)
i have what i thought would be a fairly simple question which has now turned into a crusade, i am trying to set an variable equal to the contents of a text file, for example:
CONTENTS OF A TEXT FILE named text.txt:
hello world
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