Here is my deal. I have a form in which users upload files. I have an <input type="file" name="uploadfile"> field, which must contain the entire path to the file. I also have an <input type="text" name="filename">, which inserts
the filename only into a database. I need both fields, one with the...
There is one server, mine. The users will be using my server's time and there hosting accounts will be on my server. I need a script which will get my server date and year on the page where the user creates an account. I would like for the date and year to be displayed in in a textarea or...
Now, what will happen is when the user option selects 30 days or 90 days, the HTML:Template will automatically insert the hidden field value in %placeholder_one% and the user select value in %placeholder_two% once the user submits the page. This will submission will create a file with the entire...
I would like to know if there is a way to get the date of a user's server and store it in a hidden field, and automatically add 30 or 90 days - by user pulldown/radio button selection - to the equation. I would like the script to count down from the time an account was created to the time it...
I need to assign <FILEHANDLE> search results to $main_template includes
If keywords are found in <SIDX> only then:
$main_template =~ s/%%searcresults%%/$pitem/g;
If keywords are found in <SIDX2> only then:
$main_template =~ s/%%premiumresults%%/$premiumitem/g;
If keywords are found in...
I have successfully been able to assign separate filehandles to scalers, search and return results, however, both file search results return in both placeholders. I need to assign a $line3 to $main_template =~ s/%%searcresults%%/$pitem/g; and $line2 to $main_template =~...
I would like to know if it was possible to assign 2 arrays - @skeyw and @skeyw2 - to the same scalar so that both arrays contain the same information.
(@skeyw) = split(/ /,$fields{'keywords'});
into perhaps
(@skeyw, @skeyw2) = split(/ /,$fields{'keywords'});
First, thanks for your response. I have not not been able to successfully integrate it into my code. I have however been able to successfully open both files, read them simultaneously and print out independent file content results (keywords not in SIDX, are in SIDX2 by design). I now need to be...
For some reason, this following not working:
sub normal_search
$search_line = $fields{'keywords'};
$icnt = 0;
$toadk = "";
open (SIDX, "$data_dir/search.idx");
open (SIDX2, "$data_dir/search2.idx");
### I need to join both files here into @skeyw ###
#my @sidx =...
sub normal_search
$search_line = $fields{'keywords'};
$icnt = 0;
$toadk = "";
open (SIDX, "$data_dir/search.idx");
open (SIDX2, "$data_dir/search2.idx");
I need to join both files here into @skeyw
my @sidx = <SIDX>;
my @sidx2 = <SIDX2>;
@sidx = grep {$_ ne ""}...
The keyword results are placed in:
$main_template =~ s/%%keywords%%/$fields{'keywords'}/g;
$main_template =~ s/%%searcresults%%/$pitem/g;
for the standard listings via <SIDX>
The premium listings are supposed to be placed in the right column via <SIDX2>
$main_template =~...
My goal is to create a mini google-like store search with standard listings in one column, and premium listings in another. The script opens, searches, and returns 2 files. One for standard and the other for premium. The data is the inserted via placeholders. the actual file is here...
I am trying to assign a single HTML text field 2 names such as 'keywords' and 'search'. I am perl based and use Fcntl.
$main_template =~ s/%%keywords%%/$fields{'keywords'}/g;
$main_template =~ s/%%searcresults%%/$pitem/g;
$main_template =~...
I am trying to open and search 2 flatdbs and putting the search word results from file #1 in one column and the same search word results from file #2 in another column on the same html page which uses %%placeholders%%
I need to know how to read from 2 tab-delimited flat files with the while statement. The code I have below only reads from the first one, when I change it to SIDX2 it only reads from the second. I need both files to open and hold them in separate array lists.
open (SIDX...
I am using HTML::Template and Perl DBD::DBI Modules from CPAN. The data is text file which is tab delimited and the script is written totally in perl. Data files are created and stored in search.idx. I already have a solution to store user input data into search2.idx.
Sample Source:
I have read the Q&A section pertaining to arrays, however this example is slightly beyond the scope of the topics discussed.
I need to search 2 flat text files and return the search results in 2 separate columns. 1 column for international, and the other local listings. This search needs to...
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