Thanks for the ideas! I have actually taken the simpliest way (lgarner) but I guite sure that I will need other examples in the more complex situations!
Thanks again!
I can actualy just make a text file and send it as sql to the database... the script that would deliver the data in the right way is probably the most important.. hmmm maybe I am in the wrong forum...
I have a long array in javascript and and would like to move it to MySQL database.
my array looks something like this:
var brands= new Array();
and then every member in this array...
I would like to have a small javascript in page generated by php.
<TR class=searchresultodd
onmouseover="javascript: if(this.className=='searchresultodd'){on=1;};'#FFDA81';"
I still get some errors with fields. I have tested your code, then I tried to change something. I will continue tomorrow. It is something with field names.
Here is the code:
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT Week, TRP, AdstockTRP FROM tblTrps")
Dim adstock...
The problem is that I need to calculate adstock value for few weeks. It is just a part of a longer calculation in a model.
For exampel I have the number of weeks with some values in a table. A user enters per cent value in a form and then the adstock level for every week has to be recalculated...
I haven't found any working solution yet. How to make query calculate then save the record one by one. Because I need the previously calculated record for the next row.
I have no solution. It seems like Access is not cabable to make a calculation that is very simple for Excel.
i am still a little confused as I don't get it to work. Shall I create two different queries - one with calculations and another one with the insert or can I do it in one query.
It looks like that now:
I gave TRPtable that has WEEK, TRP, ADSTOCK
I make have to calculate and add ADSTOCK for...
How to make it SQL calculate and save Adstock for one week at the time and them move further? Is i possible or do I have to calculate it manualy or something.
The best solution would probably be to calculate adstock for every week and to store it to table after each week's calculation. Could anyone suggest how to save those values best? Thank you all for help!
I trying to create a quary that will calculate an adstock value. However in the adstock value one of the "components" is previous adstock value. How should I write a query to take the get the previous calculated adstock value.
My table with data looks like that:
Week, Value
Then I have a...
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