if you take
<textarea onkeypress="return (this.value.length < 10)"></textarea>
and copy in 20 characters of text (either by right clicking in the textarea and selecting "Paste" or by typeing ctrl-v) it will allow the 20 characters to be entered and not stop it at 10.
Good Morning All,
Below is the simplified output from an ASP that creates a form for the user to fill out. As you can see, we have a textarea for them to put comments in. We want to limit the size of the comments to 1500 characters. I created four javascript functions so I can check a couple...
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
<!--- Generate javascript controlers --->
function doit(message)
<body onLoad="doit('bosh');">
notice the different position of the quote marks.
I ended up doing some similar...since the temp table has all the fields I need, but allows me to make changes
select * into #MyDeleted from deleted
update #MyDeleted set change_ind = 'Y', change_date = getdate(), change_who = 12
insert into Users select * from #MyDeleted
Thanks for the...
we have an update trigger that inserts a row into a database...we wanted to make that part be dynamic enough so the trigger could automatically handle changes to the table.
What I did was create a stored procedure that would return all the fields of the table, except the "change...
Is it possible to have a stored procedure as the default value of a column?
we have a company table that we want to keep any revisions to the rec in the same table. We have a field called 'change_ind' which is set to null for the most current record. On an update, the record will be copied...
Hello all,
A fellow programmer and I are working on taking information from a SQL Database and dumping it to a text file with QuarkXpress Tags so it can just be imported into a Quark template file.
Most of the information that we have about the Xpress Tags were from looking at last years...
the page on LearnAsp.com does not fetch all the records to the client ... it's doing exactly what you are looking for.
just because of rstemp.cursorlocation=aduseclient doesn't mean that the entire recordset is being served to the browser.
I created a button in word and this code worked in selecting the whole document and changing everythingd
Selection.Find.Execute "@@@", , , , , , , , , "222", wdReplaceAll
the Selection.Find.Execute function has ALOT more parameters than 3, but most are optional hence the use of :=
if you don't want to do that, then you have to put blank spaces for the parameters you are not using.
based on the help file for Find.Execute, I think you need to use this...
this is the subroutine I use for a redirect that breaks out of forms
sub SafeRedirect(url)
Response.Buffer = true
Response.Write "<html><head>"
Response.Write "<script language=""javascript"">top.location.replace('" & URL &...
Are you saying you want to programmatically POST a html form? Yes you can do that, but it does require a TCP control to do it (you've already stated your ISP won't add new controls for you).
here's a snippet of code from an ASP that opens a connection to a webserver an does a POST to a form...
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