Got IT
tblStateTax.StateAbbr, SOurce_Recon.Source_Count, SOurce_Recon.Source_Cost
tblStateTax Left Join
SELECT Source_Locations.State, Count(Source_Assets.EMCOST) AS Source_Count, Sum(CCur([EMCOST])) AS Source_Cost
FROM Source_Locations INNER JOIN Source_Assets ON...
It is not really saved query as it is dynamically created via VBA
The query Source_Assets looks like this
SELECT Source_Locations.State, Count(Source_Assets.EMCOST) AS Source_Count, Sum(CCur([EMCOST])) AS Source_Cost
FROM Source_Locations INNER JOIN Source_Assets ON Source_Locations.[New PC#]...
I'm using VBA to generate a dynamic sql statement. In Access Query designers you can relate a table to a query result. that would look like
SELECT tblStateTax.StateAbbr, SOurce_Recon.Source_Count, SOurce_Recon.Source_Cost
FROM tblStateTax LEFT JOIN SOurce_Recon ON tblStateTax.StateAbbr =...
I'm using VBA to generate a dynamic sql statement. In Access Query designers you can relate a table to a query result. that would look like
SELECT tblStateTax.StateAbbr, SOurce_Recon.Source_Count, SOurce_Recon.Source_Cost
FROM tblStateTax LEFT JOIN SOurce_Recon ON tblStateTax.StateAbbr =...
I'm using the following code to grab the folder name where my files sit. The troubling this is I can't see the files when I'm in the browser. Is there a way to grab the folder name AND see it's contents???
Set dlgOpen = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
Me!chkTaxPP = True
Returns Runtime Error 2448 You can't assign a value to this object.
I have no idea why I'm getting this error. I'm trying to assign TRUE to a checkbox on a form.
Any idea why this would occur
Using Access2002 VBA
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