I have weblogic 8.1 and When trying to create a connection pool to db2 on z\os. I get the following message :
"The selected database driver is not installed in the classpath. You must install the driver to create a working connection pool".
So I need help on the following:
1. Where can I go...
I am bringing this up again since we have gotten a little further and my previous comments and thus looking for some urgent input.
Well I have a csv file where some strings are enclosed by a quotation marks. We found that the following sed operation sed 's/\(".*\)[,]\(.*"\)/\1\2/g'...
I have a file where I have to remove the commas that are between quotation marks and then replace the quatation marks with a pipe |. ie
so far I have sed 's/\("*[,]*"\)/\|/g' and this replaces the quotation marks with a | but I feel I am going about it the wrong way. Any suggestions?
Ok i did what you suggested and it worked ...
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
ok now I only want to capture the total number which would be 2 ....how do I do that?
I have multiple inserts and would like to know the total insert per job.....below with sql%rowcount I am only getting a count per insert not the total. Any suggestions?
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY dbcarrier_load_data_pkg IS
PROCEDURE invoice_load_pp
(p_orgid IN cc_invoice.org_id%TYPE...
I am trying to do the following in a query without success. Any suggestions
If ParseOne+ParseTwo-Imp3=-0.01
If ParseOne+ParseTwo-Imp3=0.01
Does anyone in this forum use mysql on a suse linux personal edition 9.1? If you do what mirror did you use to dowload mysql version 4.0.
Also any linux pc user that has mysql I would sure appreciate some insight as your experience downloading and starting mysql on linux....any do's and don't do.
I am new at this also... there seems to be a couple of ways to do it.
First I believe that if you are in a windows environment you can go to the c:\window directory and you will find a my.ini file. When you restart your computer this file will be read and the database will mount... you will see...
I am new to MYSQL and my knowlege base is from reading online documentatation. I found that the quickest and most convinient manner to load data to existing tables is using the
load data infile <filename>
into table <table_name>
fields terminated by ' '
lines terminated by ' '
I am in a UNIX environment and I have a file named "mailout" that I am reading with the program below.What I really want to do is mail the report to my email address without echoing it to my screen.
Looking forward to your replies...
In a table I have a column called Branch_Number and it looks like the example below.
Using a query I would like to just capture the values right of the "/" forward slash character {2222222,5555555 from the Branch_Number column .
Any suggestions?
Thanks for your reply and sorry that I have taken long on the response.
Private Sub Tracked_Enter()
If Branch = 3000004 Then
Tracked.Enabled = True
Tracked.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
I am trying your suggestion by right clikcing on the check box field "Tracked" thus going...
What would be your suggestions on the following:
fielda filedb fieldc checkbox
111111 222222 333333
How would you go about writing a simple event that would do the following on the above fields that are on a form.
If fieldc = 3333333
disable the checkbox
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