Ok, I'm a newbie to this, but I see where you're going.
I need to start my code with the dialog box, then make something like this? I'm struggling with the right syntax.
'Somehow select the last Shape
'Convert it to a Shape
'proceed with rest of my code.
Hi, thanks for the help.
I was testing whether I could format the picture, which I now have successfully done. However, when I was testing, I hard-coded the filename.
Now, I need to change and put up a dialog for the user to select their image, then run the code to format as necessary...
From what I understand, when inserting a file (or object) it comes in as InLineShape. I need it converted to Shape so I can modify it appropriately to be behind text, etc. If you look at the latter part of my code you will see I use the ShapeRange to control the Shape (or picture).
So does...
I did try SetmyShape = Dialogs(wdDialogInsertPicture).Show
But I get an error. I also did try the GetOpenFileName before, but for some reason, I could not figure out what the Shape was called (named). Then I couldn't modify it. THis is the farthest I've come and the code works perfectly, but...
I had some trouble with this, but I finally got it to work. Problem I have now is I need to allow the user get select a file, via Insert Picture from File as opposed to me hard coding the path. I'm not sure how to get this in and then perform the formatting steps I need afterwards...
Any help...
I need to insert a graphic then further format it. However, for some reason, once a picture is inserted, I lose "focus" and can't control it. I've looked everywhere and even some archived posts here, and they don't work. I've copied one. Mostly, if I could figure out how to name a Shape...
STUPID ME! I forgot a \ at the end of my path.
Syntax drives me nuts sometimes.
Thanks to all for your help!
Tom, you also said something about ExpandEnvironmentString. I just wanted to research that so I can become more aware of code. Is there a link you can refer me to for more info...
No, no copy is allready there, besides wouldn't the Overwrite attribute take care of that?
I guess another way I'm going to attempt is copy it to the desktop and then try moving it to that folder. This is just bizzare.
I get the exact path I need with the WScript.Echo.
When I replace it with the CopyFile, it says access denied. I did get the last bit of code to work and it did copy to my desktop. I have full Admin rights to this local test machine, so something else must be awry. If I got it to my desktop...
Thanks so much. It does seem to work, but now I get a permission denied when copying. Why would that be?
dim WSHShell, objFSO, desktop, pathstring, Rootpath, TemplatePath
Set WSHshell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
set objFSO=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
desktop =...
Ok, I added teh code form mharcourt, and it gives me a message "76 Path not found"
markdmac, so you're saying I should abandon %UserName% and use SpecialFolders("Desktop") & "\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates"
Ok, I tried it witih Special Folders and it did copy to my desktop. :)
I have a simple script to copy a file from a server (network) to a local machine.
I am in a Windows domain and I can't use a mapped drive letter as this would be used by several people. I figured I could copy a file directly by using \\server\folder\etc but my code just stops and says Path not...
I'm looking to create a script in Corel PhotoPaint version 9 or 12, where I can use the Image (or Mask selector) and when I draw a box around an image, it will automatically, save the selection as a JPG and perform some basic effects such as Auto Equalize, Dust & Scratch Removal, etc. I can...
And Thank you Again. I had to dim the oFSO, to get the code to work.
While I'm on this topic, I was experimenting, trying to get my brain wrapped around this. Why couldn't I use the FileCopy command like this. It will make the folder, but won't actually copy the file into the destination...
Furthermore, if I can get it to work, it seems to make the folder but not copy the file. It keeps making a filename called 09-20-2004 with no extension.
I keep getting an object not defined for line 7, which is the 'Variable is undefiend: oFSO
So I've tried making a variable for oFSO, and even setting it to the filesystem object, but that doesn't work either.
I've tried distorting my code each and every way, and it seems, I just don't...
Here's what I was trying:
Option Explicit
Dim ofile
Dim fso
set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set ofile = fso.getfile("Z:\Cover.jpg")
ofile.copy("c:\Archive\" & Month(Now()) & "-" & Day(Now()) & "-" & Year(Now()))
Set ofile = Nothing
Do I need to find out the name of the...
One further step.
Now that I have my folder created. How do I tell the fso to copy a file from a "concrete" source to this variable folder?
I can't use an actual name for this folder when specifying the destination, since it will change...
Tom, you are awesome. I'm trying to be an aspiring programmer, and I constantly read through the postings here on Tek-Tips, and I have to say you are so helpful.
One quick question, why would I have to set oFSO = Nothing afterwards?
How would I go about creating a folder based on today's date? Such as '9-17-04'
I've seen some things posed about CurrentDate or something, but it's way too much, since it has the time stamp as well.
I'm making a simple archival tool, but I'm at a loss as to creating a folder with a...
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