sqeeze is originally for flash card routers such as 7000/7500 series. Low end router used to delete whole flash:
In most of low end router, we only run one image at a time.
>(9600,8, none, 2, hardware)
Try with 9600,8,none,1,hardware.
>got my x-over cable plugged in properly to serial port 1,
Use rollover cable, NOT x-over cable. They are different.
If you want to know pin-out of rollover cable, search "rollover cable" in cisco website.
Could you explain more about your test?
If you use "ip nat inside source static 194.X.X.X" then you don't need the previous three commands. Try simplest thing first and move up. goodluck!
Any network device including switch must point default gateway to local router ip address. Your switch does not perform routing or layer 3 forwarding.
Please correct it first and see what is change on your problem.
To separate Mac device, it is switch config job if you use switch in your network.
Use separate VLAN for them. Create sub-interface for that vlan in router ethernet port.
If they are using tcp/ip, you don't need to route appletalk in your router.
I am not favor of ip unnumber on serial. It may cause more problems on routing and logging than save a few ip addresses.
But if you must have to do, why don't you assign the new ip address on loopback interface and configure your new sub-interface with ip unnumbered loopback<something>.
Good luck!
1. It is virtual interface, NOT physical like ethernet or serial.
2. It is always UP by default.
3. It is useful for SNMP management purpose and telneting to device.
I believe you do NAT at your 2610. There is no way you should allow your private addresses coming in from internet.
Also you should not telnet to your router from internet. telnet is not secure protocol.
For domain name resolution, if you are not doing zone transfer, do not let tcp/53...
In subinterface of main router, if pvc related to that subinterface went down, then both line and protocol were down.
Reboot the remote router, then look up sh frame-relay lmi and sh frame-relay pvc. If you see lmi packet received and pvc status is inactive, that means carrier problem.
Ask them...
We use Raptor 6.5 NT in my department. In Raptor, if you want to pass through dns packets, you have to disable the dns service in Raptor.
Only one choice at a time.
Cisco 2513 with IBM protocols supported ios can route and bridge the trafic between two media.
A linux box should be able to do it too but I am not linux expert.
There are two ways to do it. Easy way or cheaper way?
M$ SQL use port 1433 but I haven't see any sniffer program that capture particular tcp port. If you just want to count sql packets you can try extended access list on router to do that. make sure you open any thing at the end of access list.
I have similar situation in my office to trace down the particular machine.
Here is what I did on 35xx XL switch(IOS base). Just to get idea.
At the router which is gateway of that machine, look up the mac address of machine( In cisco router "sh arp" or newer ios version support...
If you have more than 100 pvc, you better select hssi card and prder T3 line at host site. Otherwise, two t1s at host site will become bottleneck with today application.
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