I do initiate some small mp3´s (5-150 kB) in the first frame in the timeline with the command:
snare = new Sound(snareSoundMC);
After this, I start to play some of the mp3´s together and it works out just fine. The problem beginns later in the movie when...
Thank you again!
This works out fine but the problem is that I don´t set up the textfile for myself. The file is my downloadeded e-mails who are saved by Outlook express into an textfile. Maybee you know how to automate the textfile so it always begins with &textContent every time it´s updated...
I like to import a textfile to flash and then parse through it to sort out keywords. Is it possible to sort out characters too like you can with the c-command getchar?
I have written a demo of a game and I like to run the this on an other computer. Do you know what components I need to export to the other computer if I don´t have the Visual C++ on that one? I guess I need the .exe-file, texures, model data and sound files but is this enough?.
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