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Search results for query: *

  1. ShaneBrennan

    Converting from VB6 to VB 2008 - HTTP Request

    Found Solution... easy once I put my brain into gear: CurrentTimeFormatted = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-mmm-dd-hh-mm-ss") CurrentTimeFormatted = URLencshort(CurrentTimeFormatted) Dim html As MSXML2.IXMLHTTPRequest html = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")...
  2. ShaneBrennan

    Converting from VB6 to VB 2008 - HTTP Request

    Hi Everyone, not sure if this is the right thread/forum to put this... but I'm having issues trying to convert the following code from VB6 to VB2008. All it dowes is posts to a URL the locationID and the site returns an XML of the data stored there. But I haven;t a clue how to do it. All...
  3. ShaneBrennan

    Returning Radio Button Value

    Found the solution to the problem... forget about the function: theData.closeOrCancel = $('input:radio[name=closeOrCancel]:checked').val(); Works a treat Shane Brennan
  4. ShaneBrennan

    Returning Radio Button Value

    Hi Everyone.. I think I've got brain freeze. I'm using bootstrap version 3 and I have 2 radio button on a modal with the id "closeProjectDetails". The code for the radio buttons is: <div class="control-group btn-group row"> <label class="btn btn-default">...
  5. ShaneBrennan

    Remembering settings

    good afternoon. I am very new to ASP.NET, MVC4, jQuery, etc.. so I apologize if I use wrong terminology I don;t fully understand any reply. using MVC4 I have a list of clients (using the wijmo's wijgrid control) where I can click on a row to display the client details. Once saved I want to...
  6. ShaneBrennan

    Export to json - procedure with 2 parameters for sort field and order

    Not sure if this is the correct place for this. I've got a working procedure to export the contents of a DB table to json - but it's fixed on a sort field and order. What I want to do it take 2 parameters (sent in from Wijmo Grid) to sort a named field (sortColumn) into ascending or descending...
  7. ShaneBrennan

    Copying Word Table without using Clipboard

    Hi Macropod The export is quite complicated and for some of the logic - it does need to be VBA unfortunately - especially as some of the logic requires colour coding of certain cells and text based on values.. it gets complicated, would be an easy Job if it wasn't for client requirements :)...
  8. ShaneBrennan

    Copying Word Table without using Clipboard

    Hi Fumei The table will be exactly the same as the origional table. The origional table, in my template, is multiple rows with mergecodes for photos which cover merged cells both vertically and horizontally. Basically the template is a glorified mail merge, but instead of MSWord doing the...
  9. ShaneBrennan

    Copying Word Table without using Clipboard

    Hi Fumei and MacroPod Thank you very much for your help, I've now managed to do this in a test environment, I'm going to try it on the live system shortly. The tables are too complicated to create dynamically, as the template can be used by different clients who want their own layouts -...
  10. ShaneBrennan

    Copying Word Table without using Clipboard

    Hi Paul I'll give this a try, I should have thought about clearing the text afterwards. I've been determined to have a blank table. Thank you again for your help. Shane Brennan
  11. ShaneBrennan

    Copying Word Table without using Clipboard

    Hi Everyone - hope you all had a very jolly New Year. I am application that uses the clipboard to copy and paste tables in Word. Which works fine - but once you use any other application and do Ctrl-C the clipboard gets overwritten and the application crashes. Basically its a catalog system...
  12. ShaneBrennan

    Textbox - need to remember Cursor Position on return

    Thank you for the info Misscrf. I found a FAQ that gave me an excellant start, which does exactly what you suggested: http://www.tek-tips.com/faqs.cfm?fid=3157 Thank you for your help :-) Shane Brennan
  13. ShaneBrennan

    Textbox - need to remember Cursor Position on return

    Evening Everyone. I've written an email screen (in Access XP), the user can write any text in the body of the email and can use special "Merge Codes" that will be swapped with a record details before sending. E.g. <ClientName>, <ProjectNumber>, etc. All this works fine, but the user has to...
  14. ShaneBrennan

    MS Word: No of columns in row?

    Thank you everyone for all your help. Shane Brennan
  15. ShaneBrennan

    MS Word: No of columns in row?

    Hi Everyone Does anyone know how to detect/count how many columns there are in the currently selected row in a Word table? I need to detect how many columns are in a table so I can decide to enter info into a 3 column table or 2 columns? Thank you in advance for any help given. Shane Brennan
  16. ShaneBrennan

    MS Word: Page Numbers in Table Headerts

    thank you for the quick reply. I see what you mean. I think I will use the Page header to insert a text box. That seems to be working . Thank you for your help Shane Brennan
  17. ShaneBrennan

    MS Word: Page Numbers in Table Headerts

    Hi have a table in Wors what goes over 2 or 3 pages, dependig on the amount of text in the cells - so I want to smarten it up and report 1st 3 rows on the 2nd and 3rd page - easy - just clicking the tick box. I then wanted to put Page 1 of 3, page 2 or 3, etc. in the table heading...this is...
  18. ShaneBrennan

    MS Access 2007 - Ruler to show Pixels

    Thanks genomon Unfortunatly at only switched bwtween Inches and CMs... :-( thank you for your help. Shane Brennan
  19. ShaneBrennan

    MS Access 2007 - Ruler to show Pixels

    Hi Everyone On Form design - my ruler shows CM - is there away to change this to show pixels instead? Thanks you in advance of any help given. Shane Brennan
  20. ShaneBrennan

    RTF form - use with different forms

    Brilliant Thank you got your help John - Lovely code :-) Shane Brennan

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