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  1. NeilFawcett

    After uninstalling NAV2003, trying to copy/delete files hangs my PC!

    Is it likely a registry entry is what's being left behind so when I click on a file and press "DELETE" or "CTRL-X" (for example) that's why it hangs?
  2. NeilFawcett

    After uninstalling NAV2003, trying to copy/delete files hangs my PC!

    When I try to copy or delete any file on my PC it now hangs. CTRL-C, right click, anything like that on any file, hangs my machine. If I re-install NAV2003, all's OK. Unistall, problem re-appears... HELP!! I want this monster off my machine :(
  3. NeilFawcett

    Perl always reads in 4K chunks and writes in 1K chunks... Loads of IO!

    Oh for the love of God! When I test using BINMODE in CYGWin there is NO improvement at all! My testbed is a Windows XP system, but it will run on my ISP which is Unix, so I'm absolutely lost now as to what is a decent way to test if I'm going to improve things... Grrrr!
  4. NeilFawcett

    Perl always reads in 4K chunks and writes in 1K chunks... Loads of IO!

    vjcyrano, Yes, the open for the write should have been ">test.txt"! My bad! Alas I need the data in an array to then step through it ane process it. Once I've process it I then want to write it out again. Consolidating this array into a single variable though, and writing it out (instead of...
  5. NeilFawcett

    Perl always reads in 4K chunks and writes in 1K chunks... Loads of IO!

    This reduces the io Count from 1600 odd down to just about 600!!!!! #!/usr/bin/perl $|=1; print "Content-type:text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1\n\n"; open DF,"test.txt"; @test=<DF>; close DF; my $rec;foreach(@test){$rec.=$_;} open DF,"test.txt"; binmode DF; print DF $rec; close DF; exit; Note...
  6. NeilFawcett

    Perl always reads in 4K chunks and writes in 1K chunks... Loads of IO!

    typo!! "this is the case?" -> "this is NOT the case?
  7. NeilFawcett

    Perl always reads in 4K chunks and writes in 1K chunks... Loads of IO!

    Started with standard open and print... No difference at all (surpisingly)! I thought SYSOPEN and SYSWRITE were suppose to be more efficient, but alas no! NOTE: I missed a line out of my example above:- line 2 = use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock); My concern is that maybe on Unix these would be...
  8. NeilFawcett

    Perl always reads in 4K chunks and writes in 1K chunks... Loads of IO!

    I've been doing some analysis of some of my perl scripts... Take this simple example reading/writing a 1 meg file (with about 3000 lines):- #!/usr/bin/perl $|=1; print "Content-type:text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1\n\n"; open DF,"test.txt"; @test=<DF>; close DF; my $rec; foreach(@test){$rec.=$_;}...
  9. NeilFawcett

    How do you conditionally &quot;use&quot; a library? ie; I may or may not exist!

    Doh! And the answer is:- Require Net::SMTP;
  10. NeilFawcett

    How do you conditionally &quot;use&quot; a library? ie; I may or may not exist!

    I either want to put a condition around a "use" statement, or not crash if it's not found. ie: If I have the coding:- use Net::SMTP; And that library does not exist I want to be able to condition it, or just not crash...
  11. NeilFawcett

    Can't get NET::SMTP to work... Can someone help?

    Sorry my program did actually work, it's just that it took nearly an hour for the test emails to arrive... Hence me thinking there was a problem!
  12. NeilFawcett

    Can't get NET::SMTP to work... Can someone help?

    Here's a script I've written:- #!/usr/bin/perl use Net::SMTP; print "Content-type: text/html\n\nMail Test<BR>"; $smtp = Net::SMTP->new('mail.mydomain.com'); $smtp->mail("test\@mydomain.com"); $smtp->to("my\@emailaddress.com"); $smtp->data(); $smtp->datasend("Hello!\n\n")...
  13. NeilFawcett

    Anyone ever experience SendMail jam/hang up on them?

    No the script quite literally just sits there and never returns... Something to do with SendMail on the server obviously screwed up a day or so ago...
  14. NeilFawcett

    Sendmail seems unrealiable, any idea why?

    HANG ON! Is it supported on Unix boxes?
  15. NeilFawcett

    Sendmail seems unrealiable, any idea why?

    Cheers, I'll give Net::SMTP a go... Never heard of it before... Looks easy though (hopefully)...
  16. NeilFawcett

    Anyone ever experience SendMail jam/hang up on them?

    I'm currently suffering from a problem on my server (started last night), where any attempt I make to do a sendmail hangs... The process just sits there and goes no where... Anyone ever had anything like this happen to them? My server company will no doubt try and blame me for this "hanging"...
  17. NeilFawcett

    Is it possible to see if a file is locked or not?

    I don't want to get a lock of the file(s). I want to see if they are locked.
  18. NeilFawcett

    Is it possible to see if a file is locked or not?

    Can you see if someone has a file locked (via FLOCK)? I don't necessarily want to read the data from a file, just see if it is locked or not by someone.
  19. NeilFawcett

    What is the most reliable way of updating a test file?

    That uses SYSOPEN, be it in a lot more of a complicated way :)
  20. NeilFawcett

    What does &quot;$|=1&quot; actually mean/do?

    So it has no meaning for web related scripts?!? I'm sure I've seen it used when updating files as well, to make the software write to the file immediately!?

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