Hi Andy
Why would a different character set cause this problem? We're sending binary data in 32 byte packets, and then getting a single byte back as an 'acknowledge'.
We've added as much logging as we can, and all we can tell (without having the person's whole setup here) is that at some...
Hi all,
We've written a very simple Firmware update routine for a product of ours, that sends data down the RS232 line at 57600 baud (8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit). It uses MSCOMM, which seems to work fine with us, after we'd figured out it's peculiarities.
HOWEVER, 2 customers have reported...
Just to clafiry the problem I had:
A user was adding a new record in my database, and one of the first fields to fill in was a text-box.
The user would type some text, but being a bit too quick on the keyboard would accidentally type CTRL-0 rather than SHIFT-0 in order to get the end bracket...
How do I stop CTRL 0 giving .NULL. as this is making my program crash - since most fields don't like .NULL. as an input?
(I have a member of staff who accidentally does CTRL 0 instead of SHIFT 0 to create an end-of-brackets character.)
We use ISDN here in the UK (64k, for web browsing, etc.), with the line connected most of the day, using Surftime. Costs about 60 pounds/month. Soon, our ISP will offer always-on ISDN at 120 pounds/month. Certainly a lot cheaper than paying local call charges!
Thanks Vlad, I've now used the TXTWIDTH() function to figure out what other characters are the same width as spaces (ie. [ ] \ - ). This has let me modify my code, so that even using proportional fonts will not muck up the indenting.
Does anyone know of a good way of printing Microsoft Treeview controls?
I've successfully done it by turning the treeview into a cursor (using .parent. and .child., etc. to scan through the tree, and adding spaces and arrows at suitable points), but the problem is how to get the tree elements...
Thanks Vlad, that's explained things nicely.
By the way, with _VFP.AutoYield=.F., another form I have with a Treeview ActiveX control gets screwed up - an OLE error saying something like 'Element not found' when trying to add a new child node after about 100 nodes are added.
Ok, thanks for all your help.
The _VFP.AutoYield=.F. answer seems to have done the trick.
With _VFP.AutoYield=.T. I think what was happening was this:
1. The user double-clicked on the grid record. This, of course, makes the nearest word get highlighted.
2. The code starts-up the editting...
I had a very odd problem the other day, that I solved, but it's raised some rather nasty questions.
The problem was that I had a nice grid, with some fields in the grid calling a text decryption function ('decrypt') in my main procedure file (utility.prg). Users could then double click on a...
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