I purchased a 160GB hard drive and installed it in my PC setting up the disc with the Win2k installation disc partitioning and formatting as we do.
The drive in only recognising 131GB showing 128 actual
In have updated my BIOS, is there anything else I can do to be able to use the maximum...
Thank you for your help I checked for the folder
C:\Program Files\Norton SystemWorks\Password
which wasn't there but... did find a Norton folder for Password manager that I purchased recently low and behold there was the file causing the problem!!!
I uninstalled Password Manager and restarted...
Hi thanks for getting back to me
Yep jumpers are correct
I even renewed the IDE cable as I found a slight crack in the old old
Drives are also in correct order with Master on end of IDE cable
My BIOS has also been upgraded
Everything seems to work except when I restart I alsways get the...
can anyone help please
I have just installed a new slave drive, closed down removed old one, replaced with new ones jumpers set to slave ready to go
I started the PC and booted Win 2K CD to set up it followed prodedure to restart. PC started ok and then gave a Grey box with red cross. The...
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