I have setup the Customer table with CustId field. When I put the code on a command box I am getting a syntax error when I try to complile the code, the error is on:
MsgBox "CONGRATULATIONS!", & vbCrLf & _
"You Won " & PrizeAwarded , _
vbExclamation, "Lucky SOB!"
Thanks so much thus...
Yes, they actually have cards with the their member number encoded on the back. I can setup a card swipper that will capture the number perfectly.
You lost me on the last one with:
customernumbertable Fields
Not sure where this goes? Also I wanted to make sure that if someone else walked up and entered a code it would generate something like - not valid - it that possible to add?
Thanks Golom
To answer your questions:
Yes every person would get at least $10 but 26 (number of radmon prizes) would get something else (like $50).
There is not a "Sorry didnt win message".
A random gift can only be issued once. So if I had 1 $50 random prize, it could only be issued once...
Hello All,
I am trying to write and access program for our small company that will reward customers with a random prize. I am not really sure on how to begin this project. I have done some random generators before, and a program where someone could enter a thier member number and it would track...
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