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Search results for query: *

  1. RobJordan

    Using sed to match text and print backward and forward to a marker

    Thanks! I'll try out XMLStarlet Rob Rob Jordan http://www.linkedin.com/in/robjordan
  2. RobJordan

    Using sed to match text and print backward and forward to a marker

    I'd like to find a text match "app1.ear" and print the lines above and below until certain makers/boundaries are found <app-deployment> and </app-deployment>. Sample search match: app1.ear Sample Imput Text: <app-deployment> <target>AppCluster</target> <module-type>ear</module-type>...
  3. RobJordan

    Via a Proxy: able to see url's that are controlled by acceess.conf

    I found this on Google search. You can shut those proxy requests down with something like this: # Restrict HTTP methods RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} !^(GET¦HEAD¦OPTIONS¦POST)$ RewriteRule .* - [F] # block proxy requests RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^(GET¦HEAD¦POST)\ /?http:// [NC] RewriteCond...
  4. RobJordan

    I need help with redirecting using pattern matching and htacces

    I see a typo in my post RewriteEgine on should be "RewriteEngine on" Rob Jordan http://www.linkedin.com/in/robjordan
  5. RobJordan

    I need help with redirecting using pattern matching and htacces

    If you can use mod_rewrite, one of the following may work for you. If you would send examples of the URLs that should reidrect/not redirect, that would help. The patterns below should redirect URLs that have something inserted before /index.php example: /something/index.php The RewriteCond...
  6. RobJordan

    How do I setup 301 redirects on Apache Tomcat that uses Sessions

    Possibly using apache mod_rewrite with the Passthrough flag? I think it should rewrite the URL in the browser, but pass through the original request. RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^/test\.html;JSESSIOND=.* /test.html [PT] Rob Rob Jordan http://www.linkedin.com/in/robjordan
  7. RobJordan

    checking if port is open?

    netstat -an|grep 161|grep LISTEN or if you have lsof, you'll get more details on the process using the port if any lsof -V|grep 161|grep LISTEN Rob Rob Jordan http://www.linkedin.com/in/robjordan
  8. RobJordan

    Scripting to find multiple processes

    I had better luck with ps-ec instead of ps -ef #!/bin/sh set -x PROCESS_NAME=$1 # filter grep from results NAME_FILTERS="grep" # example of multipe filters with a | as a delimeter #NAME_FILTERS="grep|java" check_Process() { PROCESS_MATCH=`ps -ec|grep $PROCESS_NAME|egrep -v...
  9. RobJordan

    Scripting to find multiple processes

    Here's an example where you can pass the process name as an argument. #!/bin/sh # example: ./check_process icssvr PROCESS_NAME=$1 # filter grep from results NAME_FILTERS="grep" # example of multiple filters with a | as a delimiter #NAME_FILTERS="grep|java" check_Process() {...
  10. RobJordan

    Redirect folder from one domain to subdomain on another domain

    You'll need the module mod_proxy installed and loaded to use ProxyRequests. In My my case, this module exists in the modules subfolder. I'm running on RedHat 4 Linux. Example: LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so Rob Rob Jordan http://www.linkedin.com/in/robjordan
  11. RobJordan

    Redirect folder from one domain to subdomain on another domain

    # directives outside of virtual hosts are global # if the domain name you use for requests does not match a virtual host, it will default to the first one listed # enables virtual hosts NameVirtualHost * # directives inside the virtual host only apply for requests to that virtual host...
  12. RobJordan

    Redirect folder from one domain to subdomain on another domain

    You're on the right track. I'll send some examples with virtual hosts when I'm back at my pc. Rob Rob Jordan http://www.linkedin.com/in/robjordan
  13. RobJordan

    Redirect folder from one domain to subdomain on another domain

    This is with the assumption of the following: End User URL http://login.somedomain.com/ maps to Internal URL http://one-of-my-ips.dir/ Add one of the following to your server1 running login.somedomain.com ProxyRequests On ProxyPass / http://one-of-my-ips/dir/ ProxyPassReverse /...
  14. RobJordan

    Redirect folder from one domain to subdomain on another domain

    One more example with a sub dir. ProxyRequests On ProxyPass /dir/ http://your.appserver.com/dir/ ProxyPassReverse /dir/ http://your.appserver.com/dir/ Or RewriteRule ^/dir/(.*) http://your.appserver.com/dir/$1 [P] Rob Rob Jordan http://www.linkedin.com/in/robjordan
  15. RobJordan

    Redirect folder from one domain to subdomain on another domain

    Here's one way. ProxyRequests On ProxyPass / http://your.appserver.com/app/ ProxyPassReverse / http://your.appserver.com/app/ Here's another. RewriteRule ^/(.*) http://your.appserver.com/app/$1 [P] You can also filter the rewrite rule so only certain requests follow the proxy with...
  16. RobJordan

    Default error 403 page displaying when SSL connection not authenticate

    Can you post your config section that forces the authentication? I would imagine that you would want to add an exception rule for the custom 403 page to not require authentication. Rob Rob Jordan http://www.linkedin.com/in/robjordan
  17. RobJordan

    Apache 2.2 not parsing XML file (passing to tomcat)

    Looks like I had a typo in the last post. I think route should be router. JkMount /manager/* jkstatus JkMount /examples/* router JkMount /thr3/jsp/* router JkMount /thr3/* router JkMount /thr3/*.jsp router How about adding the following as a test? JkMount /*.jsp router Rob Rob Jordan...
  18. RobJordan

    Apache 2.2 not parsing XML file (passing to tomcat)

    I'm taking a wild guess here as I haven't worked much with Tomcat, only Apache, but I noticed the following in your config and thought that the JkMount directives might be what is allowing the jsp to execute on certain URL paths. JkMount /manager/* jkstatus JkMount /examples/* router JkMount...
  19. RobJordan

    for loop vs find

    You could also combine the two in a shell script. find . -name "*.ext"|while read RECORD do echo $RECORD # you could also manipulate the record here or run other commands done Rob Rob Jordan http://www.linkedin.com/in/robjordan
  20. RobJordan

    Mod redirect

    I worked out a simpler solution. RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^part=(.)(.*) RewriteRule .*page.cgi %1/%1%2? [R=301,L] Rob Rob Jordan http://www.linkedin.com/in/robjordan

Part and Inventory Search
