When I try connecting to a database with a login program, I receive the following error:
Error (424) in Microsoft VBScript runtime error Object required
Here's the code I used:
<%@LANGUAGE = VBScript %>
Option Explicit
Dim connection, rs
On Error Resume Next
Is it possible to initialize a variable of type date in a PL/SQL block to one week from today?
Is it even possible to initialize a date variable to the current date without explicitly specifying the current date?
Thanks for the help. I got it to work.
I have one more question, though...
Why did you type...
set serveroutput on format wrap
...instead of...
set serveroutput on
Well, I just upgraded to Windows XP Professional Edition.
So I guess now I should restate my previous question:
For Oracle's Personal Edition, should I install Oracle 9i Datbase, Management and Integration, or Client?
For Oracle's Personal Edition, should I install Oracle 9i Datbase, Management and Integration, or Client?
How well is this guaranteed to work on the Home Edition of XP as opposed to the Professional Edition?
What can I use to write a hello world program (or preferably something a little more advanced) with PL/SQL?
Since I'm using Windows XP Home Edition, none of the software on Oracle's website works when I install it on my system.
How do I determine the default subnet mask for a network? How do I find the number of hosts or clients a network can support? And generally speaking, how do I subnet a network?
If anyone knows of an excellent tutorial on the net explaining that, please let me know; I'd gladly appreciate it...
Thank you all for your input. I didn't even know such a version of Oracle existed.
sem is right about that overkill part, though. I just wanted to use SQL Plus but got so many other things in addition.
I wasn't expecting to enter to enter a user name, password, and host name for the personal...
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