Nortel says the source destination hash is determined by and MAC algorithm but my experience shows its based on odd and even IP addreses. I had a dirty piece of fiber and it caused intermittent communications on half off my servers the odd half. That was a fun one to find, luckily it was on a...
Never Mind the link level stuff, you have 6 ports that are a memeber of "one" VLAN that is not the primary VLAN. Make certain it is a port based VLAN with auto PVID off and management VLAN set to 1. You do realize that the 450 will not route between VLAN's? you are trying to connect 4...
I have 42 VLAN's on a pair of 8610's with SMLT and VRRP and I have never had a problem. Check that code is same on all Proc's, same copy of Config and bootconfig. L2/L3 HA has to be OFF verify this. VRRP Id's have to match from box to box, I match VRRP, and VLAN id's on each box.
I have been running Nortel 8610's 8606's and 8603's for 5 years and I have never had one fail. Thats running in the core and on Optically connected metro fiber rings with 6000 pc's online. The only problems I have ever had were configuration issues (self inflicted)
I have quotes from Gartner...
I am running twoo 5510's with passport 8600's and the MLT's are working fine, with the exception of spanning tree fast start, make certain both ends are Spanning Tree "Normal Learning
Have you tried putting a static route in with site manager?
BCC is a second way to do that, at the commend prompt enter BCC, wait and then enter "?" this will show you how to eneter a static route
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