I have also noticed that some odd behaviour in some cases I very recently encountered (switched job = new problems/case).
I have noticed that in one case the hardware compression does not sem to work. I switched as a test to pure software compression in the job settings and was able to...
Hello everyone,
A few words on compression as I see there is quite a lot of misconception about it.
The point is that compresseion is a number of techniques to TRIE and diminnish the amount of data needed. A very simple exsample is for instance countig the number of spaces used in lets say a...
Hello truffels & others,
It is very dificult to say how much exactly goes onto a DAT tape. I must say I am looking into BE as a freshman as I hav virtually only exp. with arcserve. I do agree that I am not very fond of the way BE handles the request for a second tape. It took me a few minutes...
I read the whole thread. I am a pro (MCSE - ASE/HP engineer)
I worked for a hardware service provider for more than 3 years. I noticed that many customers do not know the following about DAT drives. A DAT tap may NOT be oerwritten more than 50 times ! Ths is Mfg-speciofication ! The funny...
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