Have you tried to install your old version of PGP and re-open the file?
If you know that your version worked on pgp6.5, for instance, go to http://www.pgpi.com and get yourself the freeware version of pgp6.5 and try to install and decrypt your file.
Then regenerate/re-export your pgp keys and...
The best thing to do when encrypting a large file in PGP is to try to compress the file first before you encrypt the file. You shouldn't be sending a 1GB file to a user but within reason, if you are encrypting a large pdf file for instance, if compression is an option, you should compress then...
You will need to find yourself a version of PGP with commandline option.
There are commandline versions for PGP on Windows and any of the various flavours of unix.
I have never worked with ASP myself so cannot give details but would think that you can invoke some kind of pgp -e command to...
PGP can be found for free at http://www.pgpi.com/
You can find many resources there to answer your question.
If you are given a pgp (public) key, you will need to have pgp installed to correspond with your colleague.
Install any of the free versions from the website above.
Good luck.
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