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Search results for query: *

  1. sisiro

    write a script for killing some process

    That is alright; my analysis is based on this particular process listing. Something doesnt seem to be alright to me. Hopefully Horse123 can come back to us, and let us know what exactly is happening with this process, and whether he could kill those processes using the script. Then only we can...
  2. sisiro

    write a script for killing some process

    Hi, Looking at the process' list, it seems the process related to "cgiopac" is misbehaving. Find out who is the parent of this process, and that process seems to be misbehaving. All the processes in your list, whose parent process id is 1 has already been inherited by init...
  3. sisiro

    Solaris 8 system Administration exam

  4. sisiro

    Email attachment not viewable in Netscape viewer

    In Netscape Messenger, go to Edit -> Preferences -> Navigator -> Applications, and check the file association. If there is no association for that extension type, that means Netscape is not told how to open that type of attachment. Just create a new association and then try.
  5. sisiro

    Netscape mail-file heirarchy is destroyed by Windows! >:-<

    Go to C:\Program Files\Netscape\Users\<yourprofilename> directory. This is where your mail is stored. Copy the previous mail files to this directory. In case the filenames already exist, copy them with -old suffix, to this directory. Remove the .snm files (moving to some other directory wud be...
  6. sisiro

    Configuration DNS Server

    Check out docs.sun.com for DNS setup
  7. sisiro

    ln -s and unlink -- need urgent helpppp!!!

    im sorry to say but looks like you might have lost it for good. Did you link using ln -s or ln? What does ls -li on that directory and its parent directory shows? Pls provide us the output.
  8. sisiro

    Distribution Lists/Contacts

    Contacts can be managed client side, such as Netscape Address Book. Distribution lists are called &quot;mail aliases&quot; in unix. Become root. Open /etc/aliasesfile, and add the alias name in the left hand side, and the list members to the right hand side of the colon. Eg: tech-group: a, b...
  9. sisiro

    Can I write a script which send emai

    #!/bin/sh mailx -s &quot;Subject here&quot; recipient@ddress.here < path/to/filename/you/want/to/send ------ I can give more suggestions if you can elaborate on the exact purpose.
  10. sisiro

    Sendmail tells the world it's version..

    I dont remember it offhand, but go thru /etc/sendmail.cf and you will see that message format in there. Make sure that you keep a copy of original before modifying. There might be a m4 macro also to do this.
  11. sisiro

    Is Unix really a good OS as people

    Does sarnath know that DOS has taken many OS concepts from Unix? He also needs to know that the Windows GUI is the work of Xerox PARC. The original DOS code was bought by Microsoft from another company. Honestly, after having worked as a sysadmin for more than four years, i have lost confidence...
  12. sisiro

    I am getting a strange message - anyone got any ideas on how to help

    As ozzynator suggested, compare the permissions of those two directories. That will help

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